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What Exactly Is Assertive Communication?

By Zoe Smith

It is impossible to live in this world and not be in contact with another person. As such, it is of vital importance that we develop good communication skills to be able to express ourselves clearly and in doing so, establish better relationships with the people around us. What is assertive communication and how can we use this to our best advantage?

All people communicate. You may not know it, but you are employing a kind of communication style that reflects your current state of mind. Passive and aggressive communication styles are utilized by people with low self esteem. Either they shun expressing their own views, or they forcefully put it upon people because they want to be right all the time. Some people can also be classified as passive-aggressive communicators. They will look passive, but they actually undermine other people subtly because they feel threatened, angry or resentful.

Obviously, we just discussed the communication styles that we should NOT use. However, it might be that you find yourself in one of these categories. Be very honest with yourself and check if you need to improve in this area- otherwise you can ruin vital relationships in your life. If you think you need work, then use this tool and purpose to become a better communicator starting right now.

If these aren't the ideal forms of communication, then what is the best way? The most ideal communicators are assertive communicators. What are some of their qualities? They are individuals who have a healthy self image and self esteem. Therefore they can advocate their rights while being respectful of others. They are direct and open.

Being assertive benefits your professional life greatly. Being forthright, confident and honest are key proponents to effective decision making techniques. As opposed to passive decision makers who do not command respect; or aggressive personalities who are combative and oftentimes seen as too rude-assertive people solicit trust and inspire people to cooperate towards a single goal.

Assertive communication will also help you have better relationships in your personal life as well. Many times we do not want to hurt a loved one's feelings and in doing so, become detrimental to their growth as individuals. Being able to tell them in a respectful and loving manner things that can be improved upon will make for a better bond and a stronger relationship.

So how do we become more assertive and confident? What you need to do to achieve this particular quality is to endeavor to know yourself more and with that, love yourself better.

Of course, no matter how well you deal with others-miscommunication cannot be avoided at times. When it happens, do not feel bad about it. Do what you know to do and don't allow that from hindering you to live the way you deserve. Enjoy life with all its possibilities and experience an absolutely richer life when you do!

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Learn These Memory Improvement Techniques

By Zoe Smith

Do you always forget where you put your car keys? Maybe your friend gave you a suitable keychain that makes it impossible for you to lose them-do you forget which side of the mall you parked your car again? I know someone who reported her car stolen but actually, she just forgot that she parked it on the other end of the building. Forgetfulness make for embarrassing and entertaining stories for sure-but not at the moment. Eliminate frustration with these helpful memory improvement techniques today.

While a few people are born with a lower IQ, the majority of us have a good working brain sitting squarely on our shoulders. Many times we need to just exercise our mental muscles, or we need to find the right tools in developing our minds. For some, thinking is too boring and reminds them too much of school. The people who think this are the stupid ones. You can have a much better life when you learn how to concentrate and have a sharper memory.

The good news is you are on your way to improving yourself simply by clicking on this website. Now ask yourself, what interests you? What specific matter do you need to learn? Is it a speech you have to give, a report in progress, or do you just want to remember things better? When you don't feel obligated but want to learn about things- learning about them becomes quicker and easier.

OK, but what if what you need to know about is super boring? Simple-make it interesting for you! Use your imagination when you need to learn something important. Retain information by using images that are exaggerated and funny. Make it pleasant and as vivid as possible. Imagine the sounds, smells, sight and touch of whatever things are associated with it. The more clear and personal it is to you, the better the chances you will remember it.

There are about 60-65% of people who are visual learners. This group of people will find diagrams, colorful pictures, charts and illustrations to be most useful in helping them retain information. On the other hand, auditory learners find listening to the spoken word more effective. Codes and various mnemonic devices can be useful for remembering simple things.

Teaching somebody else what you just learn is one of the best memory improvement techniques. You will retain at least 70% of what you just received by doing so. When you show somebody what you learned, you will keep about 90% of the information.

Another important factor in improving your memory is a good diet and healthy lifestyle. You cannot properly function if your mind is foggy with sleep. There are also vitamins and supplements that are beneficial in enhancing your brain function. If all else fails, there are safe and effective alternative medical treatments for memory problems that you can use.

Somebody said, I think therefore I am-so what are you thinking about? Develop yourself spiritually, emotionally and mentally and enjoy a better version of yourself today!

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