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How To Approach A Woman On The Street

By J. Ryu

You're walking down the road, minding your very own business, then there it is, an extremely adorable girl walking along staring at her iphone. You're convinced she is your dream girl and possible future girlfriend and if you let her walk on and away from your life, you'll be missing out on the chance of a lifetime. What exactly should you do? What can you do?

Arguably, approaching a girl cold, off the street is one of the hardest pickups to do. A girl on the street feels open and vulnerable so if a strange guy walks up, her guard will be up. Have you ever before had a complete stranger come up to you on the street? Feels strange doesn't it? Then should you give up and let her walk out of your life? Hell no !

1. Eye contact

As soon as you see "the one," take action! A street approach has to feel spontaneous to the woman, not like a rehearsed canned pick up or they will feel uncomfortable. Make eye contact as soon as possible and keep your eyes locked, too, so she knows that it wasn't just chance that your eyes met.

As soon as eye contact is made, make certain she knows you are trying to get her attention. Wave, nod, something obviously attention getting. You want to establish contact before your approach which helps the woman prepare mentally for a stranger coming up them.

2. Open Body Language

Upon approach, wear an innocent smile! A smile is welcoming, contagious, communicates openness and innocence and will effectively lower her guard. Also, use open body language! Ensure your body language is not confrontational and direct but responding to her reactions towards you.

Incorporate hand gestures into your conversation. This will not only help her to follow your conversation if you're somewhere loud, but it will also keep her attention on you. On the street, it will be simple for her to get distracted, especially if she wasn't completely convinced it was worth stopping to talk.

Use your hands to keep her eyes focused on you. Using your hands will also display confidence. Don't keep them in your pockets with your shoulders slouched. You know what you want and you think she'll want it too. Make that Clear.

3. The Game

On a street approach you want to keep your lines and conversation light, innocent, and relaxed. The strategy in a street pickup is to drop her raised guard. This is done by you communicating a relaxed, casual, innocent vibe. You also want to introduce yourself and exactly what you're up to as quickly as you're in so you're not a complete stranger to her. No canned pickup lines in street approaches under any conditions!

A busy woman on the road has somewhere to go so you need to be bold and sweet. Don't run after her, your eye contact and waving ought to be bold enough to encourage her to stop. From there, you know exactly what to do. Flirt, compliment, engage. Make her co curious about you that she would like to know more.

Don't get too flirty too quick, keep in mind that you just met on the road and you don't even know if she's single, however if her body language is exclaiming "yes," go on and ask for an opportunity to see her again. Stopping someone on the street is a little creepy if you don't handle yourself correctly. The trick is getting her attention then letting her know how innocent and honest your intentions are.

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Simple Network Marketing Tips That Anyone Can Follow

By Randy Best

Instead of going out to find another job, it makes a lot more sense to establish yourself with work at home. Being a small home business owner can seem challenging, but network marketing can help you better communicate, earn more money, and help other independent agents. This article can get you off to a good start in network marketing.

You should apply social networking as a part of your particular affiliate marketing strategy. You should create different groups so that you can focus on interests in particular product niches, and form new customer relationships. Create separate pages on social networking sites for each of your products.

Do not try to overcome every obstacle by yourself. See if your affiliate network offers a troubleshooting page, and if not contact the webmaster directly. Ignoring the fact that you need assistance can lead to failure. Avoid waiting a long time before you ask for help, and clearly explain the problem you are having.

You constantly need to learn in order to expand your network marketing business. Try to spend a little time reading about marketing tactics and business every single day. If you have the time you can benefit greatly from attending webinars of other successful network marketers, they can be from your company or from another. If you're fully educated in your field you'll find that you're better at your job and more help to others.

If are new to your network marketing business, it is important that you remain patient. Network marketing isn't a get rich quick scheme. The first months are crucial in getting your business started. Network marketing can help a slow start in business, pick up the speed and momentum needed for lasting success.

A great tip for successful network marketing is to join online forums and participate. These forums are great havens for free network marketing tips. Do a quick search online, and scroll through until you find a forum you like. To find useful tips, read a few posts each day and ask any questions you have.

Before getting into network marketing think about what you hope to achieve. Are you getting involved in network marketing as a hobby? When you have clear intentions and put in a real effort, you will find success in whatever you choose to do.

Communication and participation are equally important in down lines. Are they uncomfortable actively engaging with people? Maybe they are having problems? Encourage everyone in your network to share their questions and ideas with you and with the group as a whole. A team that is focused on total participation is the best, which is what you want yours to be.

Consider having tutorials available on your website. This will increase the amount of traffic to your website and increase the time a visitor will spend looking at your site. These two activities will increase your network membership and your advertising income.

If you are doing network marketing, be sure you know what your customers need. If your customers are not happy, your business definitely will not succeed. Set a goal to listen for at least 80% of the conversation and talk the other 20% of the time.

Get lasting results by focusing on the long term. You should revisit your goals and your strategies at intervals of ninety days or less, even if you have an over-arching plan for where your business is going in years to come. This can help you get your long term goals achieved in smaller chunks.

A useful communication technique for network marketers is neural-linguistic programming. On the contrary, statements that include the pronoun "you" are effective when the goal is to sell an idea to someone. "

Pay attention to your answering machine or voicemail, because sometimes this is the first contact that a prospective client will have with you. Your answering machine will leave a first impression, so make sure the message is concise and positive. Leave clear instructions on the information that you will need, and when they should expect a call back.

If you want to stand out as one of the leaders in the field of network marketing, you must enjoy helping others achieve success. When you reach the point that people are being helped by the item you are marketing, then your profits will increase.

If you are not equipped with the right knowledge, then you are bound to be faced with much frustration and difficulty throughout your network marketing plan. Remember to use this information, and you can become a successful network marketer.

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