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Why People Enjoy Counseling Port Charlotte

By Bonnie Contreras

Counseling Port Charlotte has been providing clients a lot of good service for many years now. There are a lot of different therapists who specialize in different areas. Some of them are more general and prefer to offer therapy of all kinds of problems. There are also those who work on different techniques which they have picked up over the years.

The problems could range from anything from confidence levels to bipolar disorders. Sometimes the client is born with this and other times they develop it as time goes on. A certain incident can set it off. For example, a close family friend could pass away and this causes post traumatic stress which is not dealt with properly.

Sometimes you may feel that it is better to talk to a friend. However, a friend may not have all the experience to offer advice which a good therapist can. In saying that, you will find therapists that are very experienced, and those which don't have much to offer. This is why it is important to do your homework beforehand.

Many people just go to the first therapist that they hear about, but you really should do everything to make sure that you get what you want out of this. Some people find out about this through testimonials, others look at the reviews and then there are people who simply go to their family doctor in order to ask for a referral. It depends on the client.

You may want someone specific depending on your mental illness. You may have clinical depression, and in this case you need someone who is experienced to handle it. Someone who has just graduated from a school is not going to be the appropriate person for this. They may be good at handling self-esteem. However, deeper problems are more tricky.

It is important to know that there are people willing to help and you don't need to go about this alone. Doing that will make you feel suicidal. It is not good for your family, especially the kids to see mom or dad lying like that day in and day out. They will have to reverse roles and they will have to play the parents.

This is what happens when kids turn into adult children of alcoholics. Those kids who have grown up in a home where alcohol was used on a daily basis become traumatized later in life. They suffer from post trauma stress. They don't realize they have a problem, but it is something serious. This needs to be dealt with, before they have to clean up their mess.

Counseling Port Charlotte does a good job at healing the emotions and the souls of people who have been damaged over the years. No problem is too small. If you feel that something is bothering you, then you should definitely talk about it and get it off your chest. There are many professionals who have been trained for this sort of thing. You will be surprised how much better you will feel.

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6 Goal Setting Traps You Must Avoid

By Lachlan Haynes

Goal setting is much more than simply saying you want something to happen. Unless you clearly define exactly what you want and understand why you want it the first place, your odds of success are considerably reduced. By avoiding the goal setting traps you can set goals with confidence and enjoy the satisfaction that comes along with knowing you achieved what you set out to do. So let's take a look at some of the biggest traps that need to be avoided.

1. Your goals don't motivate you. This first trap seems obvious but a lot of people fall into the giver role and set goals to appease others. If you are not motivated by your goal it will be hard and near impossible to achieve. If you have set the goal for yourself but you genuinely don't have interest in the outcome or the goal is extraneous to your larger goals, putting work into it may fall by the wayside. Goals require your attention and commitment; if you feel unmotivated by them it is unlikely you will put the time in necessary to achieve them. Without motivation you will lack focus and without focus the tasks needed to fulfil your goal may keep getting pushed aside for something else. So you must you really ask yourself, does your goal motivate you?

2. Your goals aren't SMART. Are you applying the rules of goal setting correctly? The simple fact is that for goals to be powerful, they should be designed to be SMART. We already know that goals should be specific, measurable, achievable, realistic and time based.

Your goals aren't specific. Concise is key, so when you set up a list of indistinct goals, you're working against yourself because you will not have a specific course. Always remember: your goals should show you the path to your progress.

Your goals aren't quantifiable. Your goals should be measurable in dates, totals - in numbers. You will find comfort in knowing that your percentages toward achievement are growing gradually each day, so if your goal is something as general as 'learn more', how on Earth will you see when you've achieved this? When your plan of action is devoid of quantification, you will lose out on the feeling of celebration that arises when you make progress.

Setting achievable goals can be tricky for some. You want to set goals that are challenging and not met too easily but you also need to be realistic. If you set yourself an unrealistic goal you may have no hope in attaining, especially if it is something out of your control, and you are setting yourself up for failure. Setting yourself up for failure will only lead to disappointment, frustration, and eat away at your self-confidence. On the contrary, if your goal is too easily achieved you may feel disappointed once you do accomplish it because you did not have to work that hard for it. This disappointment may pave the way later for a resistance in setting goals since you did not receive the feeling of triumph you expected. By finding the balance between realism and challenge, you set yourself up for a demanding climb but a rewarding pay out.

Your steps are not significant to your progress. When you outline your goals, they should relate directly to the big picture. If you can keep your daily steps parallel to your ultimate career and life goals, your moves will keep your eye on the prize. When you set irrelevant or contradictory goals, your time and energy will be wasted on activities that get you nowhere.

The goals you set need to follow a timeline and have a deadline. A deadline creates a sense of urgency and will further motivate you to keep on track with the steps needed for success. This also means when you hit your deadline and you have been successful, you can celebrate your victory.

3. Your goals live only in your head. When you can see your goals laid out in front of you, they have a real, actual presence that brings them into your life. Write them out, and keep them somewhere in which you are forced to see and acknowledge them every day. Rather than using language like, "I'd like to", or "I hope to", create more certainty by beginning sentences with language such as, "I will". This lends legitimacy to your goals, which will soon be apparent in your actions. When you use flimsy language, you give yourself a built-in excuse to procrastinate or take longer than necessary to achieve your goals.

4. You have no real action plan. Many people feel this is unnecessary, yet those who are successful recognize this step as essential to making progress. You may feel you have your sights firmly set on the big picture, but if you have no daily goals set to help you achieve incrementally, you will lose focus and have trouble knowing exactly what needs to be done. When you allow yourself to check off the smaller steps little by little each day, you will find yourself striding toward the finish line with an even, realistic pace.

5. Your goals are all or nothing. When you have set more challenging and long-term goals such as wanting to lose a significant amount of weight or finish a marathon under a certain time, you may be setting yourself up for a negative outcome. It is important to define how you will feel if you get very close to your goal but not exactly meet it. The pass or fail mindset can be damaging and cause a negative spiral of self-defeat. For example, if you want to finish a marathon in less than 3 hours, what happens when you finish at 3 hours and 10 minutes? Are you going to beat yourself up or consider that a success?

6. You have given up too quickly. When times get tough, it is easy to give up. Did you give yourself enough time to achieve your goal? Or did you lose focus and get off track? Set up reminders for yourself on a weekly basis to check in with how you are doing. Even a few minutes to take check of your progress can pay off big in the end. You may find that your deadlines, goal milestones, or action plan need to be modified from time to time and that is okay. The most important thing is to stay focused, motivated, and confident. Don't give up; your success is just around the corner!

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