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Patience? How To Be Successful Online

By Dawn Damico

Should you be Persistent to be Successful?

First, let's take a look in the dictionary to find out what persistence means: "persistence" is the "firm or obstinate continuance in a course of action in spite of difficulty or opposition..."

For a business owner, "Persistence" can be worn like a badge of honor. When you're persistent, you're sort of extending the myth of the rugged explorer, navigating unchartered waters, to prove to everyone that the world is not flat and that something better is waiting just beyond the horizon.

This can be true...sometimes.

And, James Wedmore says this when talking about How to have Online Success:

So what does that mean?

So what does that mean?

Look at that definition of Persistence again. "...the firm or obstinate continuance..." What do you think of a person who is "obstinate?" Think about that for a minute. it possible that being "persistence" or "obstinate" could actually get in your way?

So the question you should be asking yourself is: Do you need to grind it out, be persistent, and battle resistance to build your business? Is being "persistent" the best way to get from where you are to where you want to be?

Now ask yourself: Does building a business really need to be this hard? Is persistence the only path to success?

Now...were you paying attention to what I just said? I didn't say that giving up was the only way. I simply said that by taking the time to listen to your gut and the soft (and sometimes loud) clues all around you, then you may find an even better, easier, and faster way to accomplish what you want and sometimes even more.

Did you catch that? You don't have to give up on your dreams.

To do this, you need Patience.

Moving toward success in your business with Patience allows you to go into a "zen" rhythm. Some people have no tolerance for patience. They feel that by being patient, they are being passive, and the result will be that they get taken advantage of, or they will miss out on an opportunity.

Not true!

Nothing could be further from the truth!

It may take longer than you originally hoped; the path you take to get to your goal may not be what you originally mapped out; but because you are patient, confident, and have the ability to be flexible in your approach and adjust your sails as different and better opportunities present themselves, you can become successful.

The time frame of that success may not be what you originally anticipated; you may need to travel down different paths to get there; but because you are patient, confident, and have the ability to be flexible in your approach, you can become successful.

Trust me...I have some experience with this!

But even when that challenge presents itself; even when it seems to be taking an eternity to get where you're going; if you go through the steps of the process with patience you can enjoy the journey, and get the most value from the challenges you face.

If you knew you couldn't fail...what would you do differently?

Would you focus more on the core business rather than waste your time on busy work? Would you hire that VA that up until now you have not have the money to hire? Would you finally write that book, create that training, or start giving those classes?

There are always a thousand reasons why we "can't" do something; reasons why it won't work. Rarely is it really about external factors.

Be patient...with yourself and with your business.

Set your goals; form good habits to get to those goals, and enjoy every step along your journey!

For more on How to be successful in business, check this video out:

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A Look At Free And Paid Psychic Readings Available On The Internet

By Krystal Branch

Because of the internet, carrying out a lot of things in life is easier. From getting a college degree to shopping, so many activities today may be done using only a computer. Obtaining psychic readings is also made simple by this technology. Just about anyone can get an expert reading at any given time preferred and without the need to leave the home or office.

Anyone who believes in the special gift psychics posses and want to consult them for various matters may simply go online at a time he or she prefers. The websites of the pros are accessible always to those who need clarification, answers and even comfort. Nothing can beat the convenience of getting a reading just by switching on a computer with internet access.

A reading available in cyberspace may come free of charge or with a certain price tag. Each one of them has its own strong and weak points. The choice all boils down to the individual's preferences as well as how seriously he or she takes the gift psychics posses. There are websites offering sessions at no cost although more in-depth consultations require payment.

Getting a free consultation is recommended for those who are curious about what psychics have to offer. It's ideal for those who simply want to experience the feeling of receiving advice from the experts without paying. Free sessions are also for people who don't take the abilities of psychics seriously although they don't mind consulting them just for fun or entertainment.

Even those who actually believe in the inexplicable gift of psychics take advantage of free consultations online. Commonly, they grab such offer just to ensure that their money is not going to end up down the drain should they go for the paid consultation offered by the site. Their satisfaction with the trial session determines the next step they should take.

Psychics found in cyberspace use different tools or techniques, each one of them favored by certain types of people. For example one customer may prefer to get a tarot reading while the other may choose to obtain a numerology reading. Regardless of the method an individual likes, a thorough consultation may be obtained usually only after paying the price stated.

Everyone knows that there are lots of crooks operating in cyberspace these days. Every online transaction a person needs to conduct requires utmost care. This is true most especially if the process involves money. Certainly, all psychics online are not the same. A person who is looking to get a consultation may read unbiased reviews to find an expert trusted by many.

For many, obtaining psychic readings is not just about making the future less mysterious. Consulting the experts is also done by those who want to be at peace with the things that happened in the past and make the meaning of the present more understandable. When planning on getting a consultation online, it's a good idea to choose a provider wisely especially if the service is a paid one.

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