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Emotions: Friends Or Foes?

By Al Duncan

"Emotion can be the enemy. If you give in to your emotion, you lose yourself. You must be at one with your emotions because the body always follows the mind." -Bruce Lee

Emotions are arguably the most powerful force governing our behavior. Emotions are the guardians of your well-being. They are your friends and their primary objective is to ensure survival.

Do you remember the old adage, "With friends like these, who needs enemies?" That couldn't ring more true than when it comes to emotions.

Science has proven that when left untamed, our basic emotions (anger, joy, disgust, surprise, distress, and fear) would cause you to kill first and ask questions later. Or run first and ask questions later. This is known as Flight or Fight Response.

On an equally detrimental, but sometimes lighter note, emotions will have you shouting, crying, or jumping to conclusions first and asking questions later. Believe it or not all of this is done in the name of survival.

In the heat of the moment your body initially responds to a psychological attack (i.e. insults) in the same manner it would a physical threat. Think about that.

Although they are supposed to be our friends, emotions frequently leave us in a world of trouble. Why? The answer is simple.

We are designed for survival, not diplomacy.

For countless generations, the emotional brain, also known as the limbic system, has been doing what it does best: keeping us out of harms way. Then along comes the neocortex, the logical brain, to make things much complex.

Now a person knows that if he or she doesn't want to deal with the consequences of doing physical harm to someone else, an insulting remark will often do the trick. Although it's not a physical attack, your emotional brain still recognizes the bad intentions and Flight or Fight Response kicks in.

If you aren't careful, in 3-5 seconds for the chemicals that produce emotions flood your system creating what is often referred to as an emotional hijacking. Your emotions could become your enemies.

In a life and death situation that calls for immediate action and there is little time for thinking, an emotional hijacking might save your life.

At work, however, an emotional hijacking might cost you your job. It might cost you a deal, undermine a negotiation, or ruin a relationship.

Therefore the timeless advice about counting to ten before your respond is verified, not only by common sense, but also science. Counting to ten gives you a chance to use your logical brain.

So, the next time you feel a wave of emotions crashing down on your system, pause and do your best access your neocortex-the logical brain. Joshua Freeman-leading Emotional Intelligence expert-calls it the "six second pause."

For most of us, it's probably even better to take the four additional seconds just to be sure. Because it can be so costly, impulsive behavior is nothing to play with.

When I was growing up my mom was fond of saying, "Al, don't let your friends get you in trouble."

Mom, you never told me that you were talking about my emotions.

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The Law Of Attraction Hotline Can Help You Improve Your Life

By Leanne Goff

You can receive the help you need to make certain life changes through using a Law of Attraction hotline. This particular natural law pertains to using positive thinking and similar things to attract what you desire into your life, whether love, wealth, or otherwise. The process of changing the thinking and lifestyle can take time and effort. However, you may obtain assistance with this through calling a hotline related to this field. The people answering the phones are often positive and understand how to use these laws for the better. This might be the opportunity to make the wanted improvements to your life.

The laws of attraction have already been able to help many people get what they want in life. There are individuals who have opened businesses that have been very successful. Other people have met their soul mate or have taken the vacations that they have wanted. These people have gotten what they have needed to achieve personal happiness.

You can have what you desire as well no matter what it is as long as it is legal and it does not bring harm to anyone else. These natural laws have the power to assist you with this. Such laws pertain to your attitude and what you think about. You need to bring your mind to a point where you think positively about the situations in life even if they are not currently as you wish them to be.

There is a certain level of transition required for most people in order to get into this mind frame. When you understand how these natural laws work, you can ally yourself with them. Doing this does take time and effort.

Sometimes a little help is required. It may be easy to slip into negative thoughts if something did not work the way you desired it too. You might be able to find the assistance that you need through a hotline. The people who answer the telephones have a lot of knowledge in this area and who wants to help.

These individuals who answer the telephone are positive people. These specialists understand many types of situations and how easy it may be to start to think negative thoughts. Such people are there to alter your mind frame so that you can get back to constructive thinking patterns.

Sometimes such hotlines are included in the telephone directory listings. However, you might also locate the number on the internet. People who run such hotlines might have websites for you to check out. Calling the number available may be just what you require to make the changes you need to be truly happy.

Using the Law of Attraction hotline might be just what you need to improve your life. The natural laws that these people can help you with are those that can offer you what you desire such as wealth, happiness or love. The transformation of thinking that takes place when you wish for such laws to change your life can take time and effort. The individuals that work on such hotlines are often able to assist you with this.

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