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Learn To Sing With Online Singing Lessons

By Marvin R. Wilcox

If you want to learn to sing online you should seriously consider going for one of the new technological innovations, singing software. The biggest problem that beginners and accomplished singers encounter is the self consciousness they feel when they are trying to learn singing in front of others. It can be fairly embarrassing to have somebody else point out your mistakes. And instead of increasing your skill level it can prove detrimental to your confidence level. This is where the singing software is really handy because with it you can learn to sing online without a coach or an instructor.

This article is not intended to describe the idea of producing different tones but rather to help you to use karaoke backing tracks as a tool and will focus on that aspect.Backing tracks offer a very specific advantage that scale training does not offer. Using tracks you sing an actual song and not just a bunch of different notes. Don't get me wrong, singing scales are great way to warm up and help increase you range but to be honest I've always found that when it come's to singing a real song, there's always something different about hitting the high notes than there is doing scale training.

However since there are number of software programs available in the market you will have to pick wisely. The first constraint will inevitably be the cost of the software since the prices start at $20 and can go up to a few hundred dollars depending on the features of the product. So you will first need to decide how much you intend to spend after the software once you have determined your budget start looking for products that suit your requirements. A good place to start looking for software is Since you will find many reviews about a product on the site it will be easier for you to make a purchasing decision.

Take your favorite song, you can download them from the internet for not too much money at all, and give it a listen to. The first thing you need to know is whether or not the song you want to sing is in your range. It's very likely that high notes are going to be a problem for you if you're just starting out so make sure you can come close to at least most of the notes.

Many people who would like to learn to sing online have reservations thinking that online vocal and singing training is far different from traditional and conventional training. This is far from the truth and what many fail to realize is that online training has many benefits that in some ways make it better than having to enroll in a traditional singing school or academy.

Learning singing online through singing software is an ideal way for beginners to start their singing lessons and develop their singing skills without spending too much money. The lessons are as potent as going to the more expensive private singing lessons.Singing is truly one of the purest forms of expression, and I do believe that people, young or old, trained or not can sing. If you have the vocal chords and the diaphragm and you can speak, then you can sing!

We make the same sounds on a daily basis: "Hi Bob!" (someone shouting across the park);"Ouch!" (an unfortunate Bandaid incident); "Mom!?" (a child yelling through the house). All of these every day noises are applicable to singing. All of the muscles we use on a daily basis are applicable to singing: laughing muscles, shouting muscles, breathing the air in and out through your lungs, our jaw and mouth muscles. They all are there and ready to go! All one has to do is think of extending the tone. Take a big breath and say, "Baaaaaaahb" (Bob, extended) and move your tone of voice up and down as if in a question--then in a statement--then an admonition.

Understand the Song.It is important to focus on the meaning of the lyrics as well as the overall tone it is trying to present. Learning a song means understanding the message and the different emotions that should be presented. You also want to examine the movement and flow of the song as well and learn how to express the proper emotion in your performance.

Babies are wonderful singers! They have an incredible range of tone. Next time you are with a friend with a baby or if you have your very own, listen to all of the amazing singing noises they can make. We don't really change much as adults, we just forget that we still have all of the tools available to us-every day!

Learn the Lyrics.Read the words out loud in short little bursts rather than trying to learn the whole thing as one piece.Record yourself saying the words so you can listen to it often, even put it under your pillow while you fall asleep.Type or write the words while you say them out loud.Repeat the song several times per day.Memorize the words on their own first without the music.Hang copies of the song around your home with different parts highlighted that you are struggling with.Once you learn the song, reward yourself with some kind of treat.Break Down the Song.Essentially, you really need to study a song the same way that an actor studies a script. You need to determine the key, tempo, style and dynamics. In addition to learning the lyrics, you have to know when to take a breath and what words to emphasize too.If you want to be a real singer, you have to own every bit of the song. By breaking it into little pieces, you become the expert over every second of it. To do this, you have to understand the various elements of the song, learn what to look for the first time you see or hear it and figure out the best way to learn it. A singing software program is a gigantic help in this area when you are trying to learn to sing songs.

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How Positive Affirmation Can Produce Beneficial Change

By Domenique Huizing

Affirmations are short and powerful statements used to control your thoughts and ultimately create a reality to become your conscious thoughts. According to research, we have between 45,000 to 52,000 thoughts a day which are mostly negative thoughts which accounts to about 300 thought per minute. These thoughts are below our awareness level because they are sub-conscious thoughts and they threaten to take over our conscious level.

Affirmation on the other hand will make those subconscious thoughts conscious because you will be aware of them. And, when you start thinking conscious positive thoughts, you will be more aware which negative thoughts are threatening to take over. This is because we create what we think.This is an interesting phenomenon because if you're not aware of your negative thoughts, it could be sabotaging for you. Ninety percent of what you are thinking about gets carried over the next day's 52,000 thoughts so if you're thinking negative, you are bound to think negative thoughts and will never get you out of your rut. And yet, since affirmation means saying something positively, your statements will assert what you want to be true and change your mind set.

You can take action right now to get the results you consciously desire in any area of your life by applying the following key points to produce effective, measurable results in your daily affirmation practices:Be persistent and be consistent. According to many surveys taken of participants of self-improvement programs, when citing a lack of success in achieving their goals, they also admitted to a lack of consistent practice. This simple key is fundamental to success - considering how many years we spend on developing, refining and polishing our beliefs and assumptions about what we can't do, is it really logical to assume that a reversal of perception is going to occur after 4 or 5 attempts? No; so please, when trying to change a habit or develop more esteem or land the perfect job, give it some time and attention. Research tells us it takes 21 - 28 days to develop a new habit, so give your goals and affirmations a minimum of 21 days before deciding on its effectiveness.

By using positive affirmations, it will target specific subconscious beliefs and replace them with positive and self-nurturing ones. It is a form of brainwashing only you can determine which of these negative beliefs you want to flush out of your system. Affirmations work and if you are determined enough into making positive changes in your life, the likely you are to accept change and let go of your past beliefs.

Get clear and get motivated. The clearer your visions and the greater the motivation, the better your chances will be of success in achieving your goals. Get all the components of your ideal life down on paper and be bold in your dreams - amass a mountain of reasons about why you must accomplish your goals; write down all of what it will cost you if you don't pursue your vision and all the joy that will result from their achievement. Put your goals and reasons in point form on a 3" x 5" recipe card and read it often; before bed, upon waking and throughout the day. Create affirmations that show these goals and capture the zest of your motivations, and move yourself towards your goals with a plan to realize it. Take any and all action that you think will take you a step closer to what you desire.And let go of "how" it's going to happen; that's out of your jurisdiction so don't waste any time fretting, worrying or stewing about "how" or "what if" - your Higher Power has your back so learn to trust, go with the flow and enjoy the ride!

I AM Beautiful.Therefore, if I write this statement on an index card and place it in my pocket or write it several times in my notebook then say it out loud to myself, what happens? Soon I manifest beauty! I begin to believe what I have written and translate it into a feeling.

Experience the good feeling - The best part is this. Getting into the vortex feels good. Getting into the vortex itself improves your self-esteem. That's because everything around you is actually an affirmation. When you make the list of your best qualities, you silently affirm that you want to become confident enough.From today, stop thinking of affirmations as sentences. Think of them as universally existing programming. Every single moment in your life is an affirmation to the subconscious. You are reprogramming yourself every moment.Confidently use affirmations - Now, once you feel the happiness of being in confident environment, your subconscious becomes more receptive to the positivity of affirmations. All you have to do is keep affirming those affirmations in the positive mood.

Create self-esteem - If you can follow the above steps without a glitch, you won't really need to follow this step because then you will be using affirmations for self-esteem without trouble.But then again, if you need to, make sure you create a list of affirmations you can repeat during the time of being in the vortex. That's all you'll need to create positive change.Using positive affirmations for success can help you to achieve your personal goals, whether they are goals for your business, or goals relating to athletic pursuits, financial goals or creative enterprises. Affirmative thought can relate to even the most modest goals or dreams, but if they mean something to you, then why hold back when it comes to finding a way to make those dreams a reality?

The second advantage to affirming as if the outcome has already been achieved is because it makes it easier to emotionally connect with your goals, and emotionally charging your affirmations is the secret ingredient to outstanding results. This might be a bit of a challenge initially, particularly if you find yourself feeling any discomfort as outlined in point #1, or if you've shut yourself down from experiencing strong emotion, but it will really super-charge your results if you can immerse yourself in the feelings, emotions and sensations of the results you want contained in your affirmations. Simple repetition is effective in itself, but the added element of powerful, strong and positive emotion will speed up your results considerably. Don't worry if your feelings don't seem authentic, keep at it, be persistent and you'll enjoy the sweet rewards of your faith and perseverance.

By making daily affirmations, you are likely to give the ideas you have greater consideration and thought. This means that you'll be able to formulate plans and strategies for achieving your goals. The more that something occupies your mind, and the more positive your thoughts about that thing, the easier it becomes to begin finding opportunities. You'll develop a higher level of clarity and with the focus that you have on a positive outcome, you'll start to find fresh ways to overcome hurdles that stand between you and your goal.If you're going to succeed, then you need to embrace a 'can do' attitude. Achieving goals takes energy and motivation, which is what people who reach their goals have in spades. Positive affirmations for success serve to help you adopt the right attitude for success. The more upbeat your thoughts, the greater your levels of enthusiasm will be, and the easier it becomes to see possibilities instead of hurdles standing between you and the success you desire.

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