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The Basics Of Pickup Artist Secrets

By J. Ryu

There exists in the realm of Pickup Artists many schools of thoughts. Naturally with these schools of thoughts there exists different gurus, specialists, pickup artists, and disciples. There are systems that concentrate on just getting as much sex as you can, systems that teach you how you can seduce as many women as possible, and those that show you how to gain and maintain real relationships. All these pickup artist techniques are variations of a basic system but at various levels of sophistication. I personally do not like the sex systems because they are shallow, prey on innocent women, and usually are cheap, quick fixes that skim on the art of seducing women. I prefer systems that concentrate on real relationships and treating women like human beings instead of a talking blow up doll.

If you research pickup artist techniques, there exists a whole parallel universe complete with their own language, philosophy, code system, and ideals. Among the many pickup artist techniques and systems, I will go over the world famous and legendary Mystery's M3 Model. This is one of the first systems that was actually codified into a set structure and serves as the skeleton/guideline for many of the systems out there.


1. Open

2. Female to Male Interest

3. Male to Female Interest


1. Building Rapport

2. Building emotional and physical connections

3. Intimacy


1. Arousal

2. Last Minute Resistance

3. Sex

A1. Open.

You open the set, meaning you initiate contact by approaching them. This includes the dreaded cold approaches, pickup lines, and starting a conversation. Must also include a Social Hook Point. This is the pivotal moment in the beginning of a cold interaction where the set (girls, group of girls, group of guys/girls) want you to stick around for a bit, because you are interesting. This is done by hooking their interest through negging or an interesting discussion sparked by the opener.

A2. Female to Male Interest

You have to get the girl interested, attracted, and/or intrigued in you first. This is done by DHV (Demonstrating High Value). The primary reason women are attracted to men is when men have a high perceived value. There are many pickup artist techniques to demonstrating high value and they include: story telling, tricks, magic demonstrations, psychic readings, negging (playful teasing), interesting discussion, etc.

A3. Male to Female Interest

In this phase, The HB (Hot Babe) must be baited into demonstrating her own value. By this way, you're just attracted to her by her personality or charm, other than her looks. You must have her earn your interest and be interested in something besides her looks. Since you have already demonstrated your high value from A2, you are in a slight position of power and in a position to judge if she is cool enough to hang with you.

C1. Building Rapport.

In this phase, just the two of you should be chilling and talking. This is to create a sense of comfort with one another. This is the time to relax and just bullshit with each other, find any commonalities, and start to relate to each other.

C2. Building emotional and physical connections

Emotional connection is simply conversation taken up a notch. Here you want to toss in some stories that make you look vulnerable and sensitive such as childhood memories and tips into your thoughts. After emotional connection has been established, you instantly want to escalate the physical connection using kino (touching). Kinoing is the very best method to develop out of the nasty "buddy zone" into the sexual zone.

C3. Intimacy

The C3 takes place at a possible sex location. The talking/cuddling/kissing turns into heavy making-out and now it's time to close the deal.

S1. Arousal.

Once you get to this stage, it is beyond the scope of pickup techniques, but another subject all together: your sexual game. The important thing is to escalate from C3 to S1 smoothly, naturally, and with precise timing. If you escalate too early or unnaturally, the girl will get buyer's remorse and you might blow everything!

S2. LMR (Last Minute Resistance)

Mystery wisely says: "Last Minute Resistance. This is the point of no return before sex occurs. It's often a freak-out moment for the woman." "This is moving too fast..." "I just met you..." "I'm not ready for this..." Or just pushes your hand away from her important areas. Most women do not want to feel like a slut so they will throw up some type of LMR. The trick here is to not be needy and desperate but rather reinforce the idea that she desires this and you are offering a service.

S3. Sex

Have fun and make sure to call/text/email her. Don't be a jerk and ruin it for the rest of us...

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Use Ascension Into Mindset Development Strategy

By Amanda Baird

Ascension into mindset development strategy focuses on how the mind can be used to achieve anything in life. The understanding is that human thinking is the source of all good and evil. It is through thought that a person can attract everything good that he has ever dreamed of. On the other hand, failure to use the mind in the right way results in problems and worries that make life miserable. The right mental attitude will deliver all your goals.

The basic is elimination of negative vibes from the thought process because they are the source of most of the problems. Thoughts that are likely to cause anxiety should not be entertained. The focus should be how to find a solution for the current situation or crisis. This is the way to overcome the problem instead of being overwhelmed.

Research indicates that persons with more positive thoughts will have good encounters in life. The ripple effect of positive thoughts is success and an ability to handle even the most difficult situations. Seeing and finding good things in life make one more contented and happy. An individual will be happy despite having little possessions.

The challenges of daily life sometimes make it difficult to keep a positive outlook. You are required to be committed and work hard to ensure that you cultivate this attitude. With the positive inner drive, nothing will be difficult to achieve. This is possible when you have identified personal and human limitations. The result of appreciating your weaknesses is an open mind that guides you to direct effort and resources in the right place.

Developing and sustaining such a mentality requires certain life changes. Reading relevant and encouraging material on this attitude and mental frame is crucial. Books and similar resources offer practical examples on how to achieve and sustain this mental attitude. The books are a perfect guide on the things to do and those not to attempt.

It is important to enlist in a motivational support group. The group keeps you on track since you will be journeying with persons living the same philosophy. This gives you hope and evidence that such living is beneficial and will yield good fruits. The experience is sometimes preferred over blogs and books because of its practical approach.

It is beneficial to engage the services of a life coach. Ensure that you pick a coach who lives this philosophy. Their professional approach in dealing with situations comes in handy. Coaches will help you monitor progress as they walk with you through life. They are supportive during crucial stages and will help you remain committed to your goals. The coaches will highlight areas where you need to put more effort.

Experts and materials on ascension into mindset development are available online. Referrals from friends who have tried this approach will work wonders. The support of friends, family and relatives is crucial in maintaining the right attitude and frame of mind. This is a journey of self discovery and improvement with incredible and life transforming results. Following through the steps suggested in this approach gives you a chance to be happier and more successful.

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