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Discover A Simple Way Of Self Realization Actualization

By Gloria Mason

There are a number of things that normally hinder people from self realization actualization. These are stuff folks have to know so as make realization a possibility. The things almost everyone does on daily basis are the same ones that act as impediments.

People usually identify with thoughts that come to their minds. This identity occasionally acts as the base for problems. Sometimes people develop strong identity to these ideas such that the ideas actually define them. Internalization of these ideas to such extremes make one focus on what the results will do to them. Questions start lingering on the mind whether the ideas will build you, hurt you, or make you look better before others and so on. The focus is centered on the individual and not the greater good. It builds grounds for fear, worries, ignorance and arrogance. It is this that actually causes people stress, and keeps them from becoming enlightened.

Even when folks go out in quest to actualize self-realization, they commonly approach it from a perspective of satisfying their egos. This occurs over and over again, even when they know that this is the root cause of problems. Too often, people usually associate these thoughts with spirituality and see them as spiritual phenomena. However, it really does not matter whether a person perceives them as supernatural revelation. The moment a person develops such line of thought, they will end up in conflict with colleagues around them, whether or not the thought was of spiritual origin.

Dropping the sense of separate and special existence is one of the ways one can actualize self realization. This sense can almost be regarded as individualism. Letting go of this sense broadens your vision past your ego. However, for this to happen, folks have rid their minds off all thoughts, reorganize them, and finally broaden their vision past the thoughts they have. Following these steps will increase your awareness to the surroundings you are in, and broaden your view of things.

The new thought process a person develops after successfully following the steps is not rigid. This process also lacks restrictions and boundaries. Furthermore, it also gives betters a person by making more aware about themselves and also improves how they see themselves. You comprehend you environment better. It also brings internal peace which is the first step in self realization.

What follows next is normally further cementing the newly received consciousness. Focus your attention and thoughts on making yourself aware you are really conscious. As you go forward, approach life from this point of view. You should try very much to enjoy the entire experience.

Doing so empowers the true you. Progressive and consistent attention on the consciousness will get you home. You begin breaking enslaving self-centered thoughts. Breaking this chain is not as easy as it sounds on paper, it requires much effort.

It is as clear as day that self realization actualization enables better performance as well as satisfaction for effort made. Realizing oneness within yourself makes it simple to radiate that energy to others. You truly become a blessing to humanity.

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Having Conversations With Jesus Would Not Fit Into Peoples Plans For Their Lives

By Gloria Mason

Jesus, while he walked the earth, had a large drawing among the people. Some followed him wherever he went and listened to him raptly. Those that were able to get close enough were able to have conversations with Jesus and what they learned could be used today. This information has been, largely, ignored in this modern world and studying his word has taken a back seat to other things.

A world of politics legislate against the words that Jesus has given us. If this was studied with the same seriousness as some of this legislation we would have a better society. It has been captured and available for all and there is no real need for a person to person conversation which is not possible anyway.

War would be the subject of one of those conversations. One of the things that our Savior would comment on is that all things that are done should go toward improving our society. This would be based on what is the greatest benefit to people, generally. The discussion would not center around religious differences, however, as that is only a smoke screen for what is happening in places like the middle east, where he came from.

Gun control would likely be a subject many would bring up to him. Yes, he said that blessed are the peace makers, however, he did not discourage his followers from carrying the weapons of the day. He was also not a fan of unnecessary violence balanced against the need to defend oneself.

When discussing abortion, the visitor gets an entirely different idea than what is in the media. People are divided about this issue now and they were not divided about this issue then. It has no bearing on what is the proper way to care for family members, born or unborn. He would be the first to state that science, in the form of Latin words, defining the term fetus as an unborn person.

There are many people who have stated that if they had a chance to talk to Jesus, they would tell him a thing or two. They would be wrong about this as the nature of the man and his presence would quell any thoughts they had that they know better than he does. The nature of men and women, from the earliest mention, has not changed and can not make the decisions they need to make without the insight he provides.

Reading the Bible, not all of the talks Jesus had with people will make a great many modern people happy for the issues they are presented. These have been written down and they are available for an imagined conversation with him. Most people, facing the choices they have and the decisions they make will feel bad about them if they knew what the right choice was.

Having any number of conversations with Jesus would, they believe, not be in the best interests of most people. The things they believe are right and morale will fall very short of what he left for us in the Bible. His tolerance, religious teachings and unconditional love would not fit in with most peoples lives and they would know it immediately.

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