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How To Quit Porn Addiction

By Domenique Huizing

In this article I'm going to talk to you about how to quit porn.Some men don't ever watch porn.Most men have a relatively healthy relationship with porn, watching it every now and then but certainly not becoming obsessed with it and always preferring the 'real thing'.THE REAL THING being -- sex with a woman.However, there are some men (and since you're reading, this is probably you) who become a little too fond of porn and end up watching it every day, often more than once.[]

Why is pornography so addictive? The reason why pornography is so terribly addictive is because it acts exactly like a physical drug by releasing powerful natural chemicals in the brain; which chemicals act exactly like illicit drugs making the person feel extremely "good". This feeling of pleasure is extremely addictive and therefore very enticing, making it very difficult for the sufferer to quit porn addiction.What types of individuals are addicted to porn? There is not any specific type of individuals that can be said to be more prone to sexual addiction than others. Although the vast majority is male there are also women addicted to pornography and other sexual behaviors. However, according to some studies it has been found that porn addicted people are rather bright, sensitive and even spiritual. In many of the cases the addiction has started because of a specific negative experience in childhood, teenage years or young adulthood.

Spend 5 Minutes Each Day Thinking About What Will Happen If You Don't.By doing this, you'll start to associate NEGATIVE outcomes and PAIN to the idea of continuing to watch a lot of porn.The negative outcome/pain association is the most important part of breaking a bad habit, in this case, the bad habit being -- watching too much porn.Decide What You Really Want.You better get clear about his, otherwise you'll never succeed.Do you want to quit watching porn forever?Or do you just want to stop watching as much porn as you do right now? Only you can decide, but decide you must.Stop Watching It!

For people wanting to quit porn addiction, they probably already tried but didn't succeed and here's why; most think they can simply do it by avoidance and willpower. Unfortunately it takes a lot more than that to quit porn addiction. It is something that needs to be treated to quit just like other addictions such as cigarettes, drinking problems etc.There is a lot of ways a person can find treatment to quit porn addiction. The best way of doing it however is by getting a good guide online. The reason for this is because most local services tend to be from religious centers which may not be the most preferred methods for many. Also, you cannot do it without showing your identity which is the major drawback for many.

For some, pornography is affecting their love life and they do not feel the need to please their loved ones instead, use porn to satisfy their needs. Others want to learn how to quit porn because it is a sinful act that they do not want to keep practicing. Whether it is for these reasons or simply wanting to have self-control and not let pornography ruin your life, there is something you can do about it.Why Is Pornography Not Any Different From Real Sex.There is a big misconception that porn is not like having real sex simply because it is not real and you are not actually involved. This isn't necessarily true since at the time when an individual is exposed to these acts, the brain releases a tidal wave of neurochemicals and endorphins such as Dopamine, Norepinephrine and Serotonin.

These powerful natural drugs are what give an individual and very strong desire and drive for sexual activities. As much as they can have a very positive effect on a couple, it can also lead to a strong addiction to pornography. To the brain, both are the same.The Harmful Effects Of Pornography.Now if you seriously want to learn how to quit porn, chances are, you are probably feeling all the negative effects of it. Most people who are dependent of it start to have side-effects such as starting to have a very strong porn addiction, desensitization, sexual mis-education since it portrays the wrong view of what sex really is and they getting used to very hardcore, violent sexual acts. All of these leads to acts such as masturbation.

Most people that try to stop pornography addiction always go through the same phases and if you tried to stop in the past but failed, here's why. The most common cycle most people go through when trying to quit is first, by completely stopping and never go back, just like smoking. They will try to resist the temptations and avoid pornography as much as they can. As the time passes by, they start to feel the overwhelming temptation to watch porn and it comes to a point where they can no longer do anything without thinking about it. Finally, they simply give up and once they've committed the act, they feel ashamed and regret doing so but say to themselves that they'll do better next time. If you see yourself doing this, you need help.

Step one: Do you admit you have a problem? Do you realize just how much damage porn addiction can do to your life and your relationships? Do you really want to know how to stop porn addiction? OR are you just hoping there is an easy one click cure?If you are looking for a quick fix then the same problems that cause your porn addiction are still active within you and you will not get far. The ease of access to porn and instant gratification are what pulls most people into the world of porn addiction and since there is no one click cure those same instant gratification people stay mired in their problems and never choose the harder but more fulfilling and better path.

The reason for this is very simple, your addiction comes from a deep mental imbalanced that may have been created when you were just a child, and unless you succeed in dismantling the issue from its very source, your brain, it will be there to stay. Yes, willpower will help for a while maybe, but your will fall back into your addictive habits sooner or later.Then, if willpower alone can't help you how can you leave porn addiction for good?There are several things that you will need to learn or relearn about yourself and about your relationships with others. Here are few things that you will need to do to be able to leave porn addiction behind.Discover your true self.Learn how to love yourself.Learn how to connect with others in a more meaningful way.Learn how to develop real relationships and true intimacy

It is essential that you learn who you truly are and love yourself from the inside. You might be surprise by such statement and think that you do, but you need to know that the fact that you are addicted to porn is proof enough that you have a self-esteem issue that needs to be re-established or even established in your mind for the first time.If your suffer from sexual addiction, you most likely have a problem to connect in a healthy and meaningful way with others, and learning how to do so is a great step towards leaving porn addiction behind. From there, you will finally be able to learn what true relationships and true intimacy is all about. However, all those important steps must be learned and followed in order to work.It is like a rehabilitation of the brain which controls all those behaviors, the good ones as well as the bad ones. With the right help you can rehabilitate your brain, and leave porn addiction behind once and for all. You can win this fight; it's not impossible. Others have succeeded and quite devastating sexual behaviors, but remember, your willpower alone might not be able to do the job on its own. A change in your brain connections will.

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Wallace Wattles PDF Book The Science Of Getting Rich: Foundation Of Other Law Of Attraction Theories

By Nathaniel L. Ferguson

If you take a close look at The Science of Getting Rich by Wallace D. Wattles, you'll soon discover how much this book has influenced the whole Law of Attraction movement. This book is considered one of the most influential books about the power of our mind to create the life we dream about. Here are four keys elements of The Science of Getting Rich PDF by Wallace D. Wattles that, I think, distinguish the book from other law of attraction books:

Everything we see, smell, taste, touch, hear and experience is created from one thing - our thoughts which are energy. And everything you see in your life was a thought before it became manifest. The car you drive, the house you live in, the job you have, the places you go, the friends you talk to; they all started with thoughts.Our life is not just a random selection of things thrown at us at random times. What we have in our lives is there because of the thoughts we have. At one point you had to decide what car you were going to drive, even if it was not what you really wanted to be driving, your thoughts directed you to the decision you made (even if the truth of your logic was faulty ie. you told yourself you could not afford anything better).

You have the ability to become whoever you want to be and to create the life you want. If you are not where you want to be now, think about times you had clear decisions to go one way or another, the paths you choose take you where you are going. Our thoughts are energy, so to design a different life, start making different choices (thinking different thoughts).Next you must take action on the new choices you make. It will be difficult at first and you will meet with resistance. But new thoughts alone will not get you what you want. The Science of Getting Rich says;

"When you know what to think and do, then you must use your will to compel yourself to think and do the right things... You must not rely upon thought alone, paying no attention to personal action. That is the rock upon which many otherwise scientific metaphysical thinkers meet shipwreck--the failure to connect thought with personal action." - you must take action.You have the ability to build the life you want for yourself, it is innate within you. Every living thing is compelled toward more life, and you are no exception, so don't talk yourself out of your greatness.

Wattles further goes on to explain in his book that we can actually create what we want or think. In his opinion, you need to concentrate hard on your thoughts so that you can actually make things happen. It's all so simple - how real your imagination can get depends on how vividly you imagine so that it happens faster in your real life. You need to therefore spare a few minutes each day to classify your thoughts so as to focus only on positive ones. If you were someone who always wondered where the next dollar would come from, you are actually manifesting poverty and heading towards it.

Visualize, It is necessary to visualize: according to "The Science of Getting Rich," this holding of your vision in the "Thinking Substance" will cause your desires to form. Holding your vision should be a part of your work in leisure hours. Contemplate your vision and firmly fix it in memory, see the picture of your future in your mind's eye. Some find it helpful to make a vision board with pictures of the objects of their intentions and desires: while this can help it is not necessary. Make a vision board if it serves you, but don't get hung up on it.

The thing to realize is the visioning process doesn't end with pictures, it encompasses all senses. If one of your goals is a new car, can you hear the sound of the door closing as you climb in? Notice the new car smell, can you see yourself in the car? Now hear the key slide into the ignition and hear the motor start, feel how it feels to accelerate, how it handles on the road. Wattles says in chapter 12:

Man has the power of thought to cause the formation of things and cause tangible results. To do things in a Certain Way, you have to acquire the ability to think the way you want to think. In other words, having the right mindset is the first step toward getting rich.You are neither destined to be poor nor rich. Life's purpose is increasing life so we must get rich, so that we can live more. We must become creators rather than competing for what is already created. Supply is unlimited according to Wattles. So never allow yourself think for an instant that all the best building spots will be taken before you're ready to build your house, unless you hurry!

How riches come to you is if your business transactions operate on the basis of fair exchange i.e. you give the buyer something of greater use value than the cash value you take. In addition, we must ask largely for what we want, have a clear picture in our mind and claim it as if it were already ours. In other words, we must dream big, see it clearly and behave as if we have already achieved the thing we desire in order for it to be. This is possibly the most powerful concept in the book and is explored in other books such as The Secret by Rhonda Byrne and Think and Grow Rich by Napolean Hill.A mental attitude of gratitude can be the one thing missing from people who live their lives rightly in all other. This lack of gratitude keeps them in poverty. Gratitude will ensure your thinking is that of supply as unlimited. Faith is born of gratitude. The grateful mind expects good things, and expectation becomes faith. It's good to cultivate the habit of gratefulness and give thanks continuously. It can be a good idea to keep a gratitude diary on your bedside table and writing 3 things daily that you are grateful for. This will bring you into harmonious relations with the good in everything, and the good in everything will move toward you.

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