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Change Your Brain Change Your Life

By Andrew I. Moore

Many people are dissatisfied with their lives. They realize that things need to change but they often do not know what to do. Follow these six tips to get started making your life better than it has ever been.Get rid of the clutter.As the years pass by we tend to accumulate items that we no longer need. These may be items that were given to us as gifts or things we thought we needed but have only used once or twice and no longer use. They are just taking up space and perhaps even getting in your way every day.Get rid of them. Clear them out. Plan on the time to pull them out of the closet or the garage or attic and go through them. Keep only what you need for your immediate use, such as today or next week. If you will not need or use them in a couple weeks, set them aside and create a pile of items you will give away to others or sell.

I work from a spiritual, rational, and physical perspective that is holistic and based in a philosophy that includes all three metaphysical (aspects of being) and epistemological (aspects of knowing) planes. We cannot discount the importance of the spiritual and intuitions of the heart where we talk about and experience such things as trust, faith, hope, and love. I draw my philosophical understanding from my studies of intellectual history. I particularly draw from one of my favorite philosophers, Blaise Pascal, who gave me a good argument for a spiritual, rational, and physical perspective for my practice that includes a strong theological and scientific base.

Long before we could detect the smallest particles of matter in the atom the Greek philosopher Leucippus hypothesized of its existence around 450 B.C. Not long after, his follower, Democritus coined the term 'atom' from the Greek ἄτομος (atomos, "indivisible") from (a-, "not") and τέμνω (temnō, "I cut"), which means uncuttable, or indivisible, something that cannot be divided further. Some of the greatest discoveries have originated from the intuitions of man's heart, only later to be empirically 'detected' and rationally understood (if not perfectly), if not seen and touched. Mental health has been a soft science with classified categories of clusters of symptoms in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders yet without necessarily an empirical way to detect and diagnose. Many of the symptoms described in diagnoses are based on behavior and reports.

Dr. Amen here explains how science can empirically detect and measure activities in the mind-brain connection. This book has a lot of information regarding mental health problems drawn from Brain SPECT imaging, an empirical tool that Dr. Amen uses to detect 'brain disorders', or diagnosed mental health problems that meet DSM criteria. These are Nuclear medicine studies that measure blood flow and activity levels in the brain (Amen, 5). Dr. Amen also discusses use of PET (positron emission tomography), MRI (magnetic resonance imaging), CAT (computerized axial tomography), and EEG (electroencephalograms). Seeing that many mental health problems can be empirically detected in brain function using these tools can be helpful in dispelling stigma and false guilt when there is a medical problem and brain disorder. Without some evidence of the medical issue, people may think that it is 'all in their head' and they just need to get it together, or that they are just a 'bad person'.

Stay at it and try to make it an everyday thing. Nothing worthwhile is ever achieved easily, but this does not need to feel like work. Stick to it and keep doing it. You will discover that it begins to actually feel good and you will look forward to doing it again the very next day.Exercise will help you think more clearly and you will begin to have quality sleep and feel rested when you awake each day. A healthy body will help you have a healthy mind.

Read more non-fiction books.Expand your horizons and knowledge by learning about new things. What are you interested in? Traveling? Gardening? Computers? Childcare? Take the time to curl up with a good book (or Kindle reader) learn, explore and grow mentally, too.Read books about positive mindsets, too. Browse the Self-Improvement section of Bookstores.Sit down with a pen and paper and think of all the good things that have happened to you in your life. Write them down. Create your list of things to be thankful for. Remember those times when you were happy and cheerful. Consider how you can make those things happen more often in your life.

Dr. Amen has an entire chapter on enhancing positive thought patterns. Dr. Amen's prescription to heal these limbic problems includes, "... accurate thinking, the proper management of memories, the connection between pleasant smells and moods, and building positive bonds with oneself and others (p. 55)." It is common knowledge that research shows Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (a talk therapy) to be highly effective in dealing with depression, but it is effective in dealing with a wide range of psychological problems (Corey, 288, Beck, 2). Cognitive Behavioral Therapy deals with changing distorted thinking and core beliefs about the self and the world such as that one is unlovable or helpless. Bonding also happens in talk therapy between a client and therapist and can enhance relationships and bonding with others.

A body that is not rested means a mind that is not rested. It makes for a very difficult day, so do your best to get enough sleep.Set a certain time to go to bed and stick to it. Your body needs a 'pattern'; it needs to do certain things at the very same time each day.If you make time for 'you' and get to sleep at the same time each night, exercise every day and do what you can to eliminate external influences in our life so you can get quality sleep, you will awake rested and ready to go.You will feel much better and your life will go much better in return.Skyscrapers are never built unless a plan has been prepared first. Your life is no different. A plan will help you set goals and goals are important. If you don't know where you are going you could end up going where you never wanted to go, so make a plan.There are short-term plans as well as long-term plans and you should make both.Begin with a short-term plan. What do you want to do tomorrow? Where do you want to go and how will you get there? What do you want to accomplish while you are there and why? Making such a plan will give you cause to think about things you have not considered? What do you want to do next week? Make a plan for the entire week, not just one day of the week.What about next month? What do you want to accomplish next month? Having a better idea will help you make the time to do that and you will begin to make better use of your time.Work your way up to a one-year plan. Where do you want to be one year from today? Why do you want to be there? How will you get there? The answer is one day at a time.

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How To Change Your Life In Just 30 Minutes A Day

By Antje Govers

To change your life now and attract good luck, there two critical things you must do.The first is to be crystal clear on what you want. Most people don't even know what they want, which makes is difficult to change your life to get what you want. But I will talk about how to get clear on what you want in another article. Today, I going to focus on how to attract good luck into your life through taking control of what you fill your mind with.

Anyone who is successful or is on a path that fulfills them, actively fills them mind with positive input. Guaranteed.There is magic and positivity all around us and if you pay attention you can learn how to focus on it and see it is everywhere. People aren't lucky or unlucky, they simply attract what they think or believe they will get.One way to start attracting good luck into your life is by noticing the crazy stuff that happens to you daily and you will see it actually happens all the time. It's like when you buy a new pair of shoes and suddenly you see that same make all over town. Or you name your child something you think is unique suddenly you meet people by that name all over.

Before you start this plan, you need to decide first what it is you really want. Is it a slimmer body, more money, better relationships? Then write down your goal and be as specific as possible. There are only three major areas of your life where you need to work anyway: finances, health, and relationships. Pick one of those areas, set a goal, and then get to work.Once you have a specific goal in mind, and you know exactly what you want to accomplish, then choose the tools you need to help you reach your goals. Keep it simple. If you try to do too much at one time, you will only get overwhelmed, and you won't do anything.

Read motivational material.The easiest way to change the way you think is to read something else. If you spend all your time reading about politics, news, or anything like that, you're bound to be more negative. Something as simple as watching the news before you go to bed can give you a negative attitude. The reason is that your subconscious mind is most accessible right before you go to bed, and right when you get up in the morning. That's why, when you're trying to change, use one of these two times to do it.

Pay attention only to the things that will help you in your mission in life. We all have a limited attention span and can not be good at everything, but if we are clear on what we want and pay attention to staying on that path, we can change our life and move forward in the direction that is fulfilling. Good luck is all around us.Today, we are bombarded with information and if you waste your creative energy trying to keep up with it all, you will simply get stuck in the same rut your are in, making changing your life very difficult. There is very little we can control but how we think is in our control and what we actively do daily to improve our thoughts is as well.

For the next 30 days, turn off the TV and other negative media in your house and instead, fill your mind with positive personal growth and development information, and on taking action towards your own personal life plan. This is not only the best way to change your life, but also a way to be happier with yourself in general and to free yourself from the overwhelm you may be feeling in life and business.

Change starts in the mind. Then you have to take action. Use this simple plan to help you reach your dreams and get the life you deserve.Simple but powerful mindfulness exercises bring us a wide range of benefits. You don't have to sit in lotus position or become a Buddhist. Interest in mindfulness coming out of scientific research is making it mainstream.If I were to tell you that you can learn to release yourself from stress, improve your well being, increase your emotional intelligence, make better decisions and be happier and more successful just by sitting on your butt and watching your breath for a few minutes each day, would you be persuaded? Probably not. If you think about it, that's strange because you probably do sit on your butt for much of the day and you never stop breathing. So what's the problem? First of all we have to have some kind of understanding why it works and second, if you try it, maybe you'll find why it's not such and easy thing to do. Just sit on a chair, upright, and count each breath. How many breaths can you count before you get distracted and forget to count? Do you forget how many breaths you've counted? Just try it.So, like learning to do a lot of things it's difficult at first. Our minds just want to get out there and do stuff. So how does training our attention to follow the breath do so much good?

The question is now: So, do I have to reinvent myself after all this time? The answer, yes...and no. With the job market bordering on chaos, and the collapse of both the industrial age as well as a good part of the information age, the reinvention of potentially our entire persona does become a consideration for some. At first glance, that statement can look completely overwhelming. But here's the trick.The process of how to change your life probably will involve some sort of change or reinvention of yourself, but not from the perspective of a total revamp. Consider the following:

Researchers have found that mindfulness has a number of effects on the brain. When we focus our attention on anything, this tends to reduce the amount of thinking going on. Then the mind and the body calm a little and we get the opportunity to begin to see our patterns of thinking and feeling. After a little practice we begin to be able to uncouple our thinking from feeding back onto the way we feel. This happens as we get into the habit of paying more attention to what's going on for us in the present moment. We begin to feel things more. We're more aware of what's actually going on for us. We're better able to take a step back from situations rather than get carried away by our habits of thought. This help us to be less reactive and take things more lightly. We're able to let go of unhelpful thinking and behavior and follow a more useful course of action.

This can have a profound effect on all kinds of different areas of our life because so many of our problems result from the way we get trapped in patterns of thinking and behavior. Developing a regular practice of mindfulness exercises helps us to see the patterns that drive us more clearly and enables us to pay more attention to what is actually going on for us. This makes changing things much easier. We're not using our will power to change the way we behave; with mindfulness we can discover what it is we really want to do and do it naturally. Mindfulness exercises help us to really get to know ourselves better, as if we were an old friend and that makes it much easier to do what's in our own best interests without being self critical.

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