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Best Meditation Methods

By Cerise Demers

The best time for you to meditate is the time that you will do it! It is the time that works best in your schedule. It is the time that is easiest for you. If you choose a time that is convenient for your lifestyle, you will find the experience more appealing and more natural.In my view, this is the best way to answer the question, "When is the best time to meditate for greatest benefits?" If that is a sufficient answer for you, there is really no need to read further. I hope you will, though.

Sometimes knowing how others have benefited can help you either to decide when to meditate or to decide what times of day to experiment with meditating. When working one-on-one with individuals, they often ask my advice about the best time to meditate. When I know something about their lifestyle and I tune in to them energetically, I can give specific recommendations. However, when writing an article that a variety of people will read, I need to approach it in a different way. So, here are some considerations.

Candle meditation. Light a candle somewhere safe, sit down and focus on the candle flame. Let all other thoughts drift out of your mind. Keep focussed on the flickering flame. Guided meditation. Put on your headphones and listen to a pre-recorded guided meditation talk you through the process of relaxing your body and clearing your mind. Mirror gazing. No, you're not doing an impression of Narcissus! Simply gaze into your reflected image. Focus on the wall just behind your head. Let all other thoughts fall out of your mind.

It's important to me not to have a rigid schedule. My body and my intuition tell me when it is time to meditate. If I feel I am "forcing" myself to meditate, I stop. Instead, I go for a walk or just do something different from what I have been doing to release any resistance or clear my head. Because I'm already a regular meditator, it makes sense to say that I only meditate when I want to. When I was beginning, though, I did find it was important to make the decision to meditate at certain times and sit myself down to do it whether I really wanted to or not.

Meditation is a technique which is great for stress management. One good thing to note is that stress often occurs in the mind,although it doesn't make it less real. This means that the mind is the key to remove stress from your life. Once a person meditates regularly, he or she experiences relaxation, gains increased awareness, sharper mental focus, and achieves clarity and a sense of peace.

The best time to meditate is early in the morning. Early in the morning the earth is restful and more peaceful. Also there are less demands on your time. Therefore the morning consciousness is more conducive to meditation.Sri Chinmoy says,"If you meditate in the morning, you will find that your meditation will be most fruitful. Before the sun rises, the earth -consciousness is not yet agitated."

In addition, I lead my clients through a guided meditation process on the phone, often many times a day. This puts me in the same consciousness as meditating for myself, so I consider that this is part of my meditative practice. I also hold my regular clients in consciousness three times a day, which is another aspect of my meditative practice.In working with others on establishing their meditative practice, I have become extremely open-minded about the various practices and approaches to meditation, including time of day. I encourage people to experiment to find their own ways. Beginners need to start at the easiest time, which might be in a car parked in the driveway or shopping center because that is the only time alone. Right after cool down after exercise is a time the body is very receptive to deep rest or meditation for some. Before or in place of a meal to allow the body to be nurtured before or instead of food can benefit many.

Not all meditation requires sitting in a chair. So, jogging is meditation for some; swimming for others; gardening for others. Find an activity that helps you to tune into the Divine aspect of you, and whenever the time is right for that activity, is the right time to meditate for you.3:00 in the afternoon is often a time in the day when people need a break; in the workplace, it is often a giddy time when people need to shake or laugh or yell. Right after that can be an optimal time for some to sit quietly for a few minutes.

Passionflower. The herb is good at providing individuals with a restful sleep. The flower, vine, and leaves of this herb contains substances that have proven, gentle sedating qualities. Recommended by herbalists as a top treatment for insomnia, it's especially helpful when sleep is disturbed by anxiety. Use 1 teaspoon of dried herb per cup of boiling water.Lemon Balm. Lemon balm helps to relieve anxiety and restlessness. This citrus-fresh herb is effective in reducing tension, nervousness, and a mild case of the blues. Drink a cup before bedtime to help you feel sleepy. Select fresh or dried leaves that have a strong lemony mint scent. Use 1 tablespoon of leaves per cup of boiling water, and drink as needed.

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Reasons Why People Don't Set Goals

By Christina R. McIver

People with goals in their lives can concentrate on ways to accomplish these objectives. By developing a strategic plan, you can conceive innovative ideas and resolve any obstacles that may obstruct your goals. However, it is important to identify initially the things that you want to happen. Setting personal targets require you to determine your achievements and the time limit in getting what you want.

Setting Negative Goals The way you think about your personal goals can contribute on how you feel about them, and whether you will achieve them or not. For example, a lot of people set a goal to "lose weight." But, such goal connotes something negative. It is basically centered on something you do not want, and that is your weight. One positive way to reverse this without actually changing the results you want is by setting a goal to "be healthy."

Another example of a goal that implies something negative is "stop staying up late." One positive way to rewrite this is to "go to bed early." Negative goals are not emotionally uplifting. Such goals may give you a harder time focusing and working on them. Rephrase any of your negative goals so they will sound positive.

Targeting at the Past. Too often, some people are pressured to catch up on the things they should have accomplished the previous years. The result is, a too long and too congested list of goals and resolutions written down out of the anxiety over procrastination and missed opportunities. If this is your case, do not be too hard on yourself.Remember, you cannot bring back the past, all the opportunities you missed, the time you lost. You need to shift your focus to the present. If you don't and keep on aiming on the past, you will find yourself always catching up until it would be impossible to refocus yourself to the present.

The likelihood of failure will always haunt you. This can be the result of goal-setting which is too high or very low. Either way, you can only offset this by believing in yourself. Do not adopt the mentality of being afraid to screw up. Everyone commits mistakes but these errors should not bring you down. Keep in mind that the uncertainties of people are often without basis. It does not matter if other people criticize or mock you. The more important thing is to be successful.

Do not postpone your timetable. Remember that you have formulated a clear objective from the very start. You have the option to change, modify as you proceed and situations change. Yet, continue for as long as these objectives remain reasonable and reachable. Explore solutions at all times. This will keep you thinking positively and staying on track. As you go along, you will soon discover that you have become an improved person compared to what you were when this goal-setting was on its initial stages. You will notice the changes gradually. When you start making comparisons, it will dawn upon you that life is more encouraging and everything is brighter.

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