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Life Quotes: Motivational, Inspirational

Many people have a large repertoire of life quotes at their disposal for use at any appropriate time, and having the right quote at the right time can be very important.

While many quotes are not original, a good quote with a good message can stand the test of time and be passed down from generation to generation. Great quotes can be used for a variety of different purposes: to amuse, to inspire, to educate, to inform, or even just to make a person in a bad mood crack a smile and break out of their shell.

Most great quotes are passed down from generation to generation through families and friends. Most of the time, the quotes aren't even passed on intentionally...they simply stick out in a person's mind after hearing them, and down the road, the person finds someone else to pass on this knowledge.

Good quotes can be able a variety of different things, and a person who is well versed will have a quote for just about anything.

The most useful kinds of quotes are quotes that are either motivational or informative and can be used in just about any situation. Quotes about life that are motivational hold a very dear place in people's hearts. Sometimes something as simple as a quote that one's heard a million times, delivered by the right person at the right time can be all it takes for a person's mood to do a complete one hundred and eighty degree turn.
In addition, there are many informative quotes out there that a person can remember.


From quotes along the lines of biblical, proverbial wisdom, to idioms that we use on a daily basis, quotes can provide a cautionary tale for all people to heed. There is a reason quotes are passed down from generation to generation and it's not because the advice is bad or that the advice shouldn't be taken seriously.

Quotes are passed down time and time again because the advice holds true time and time again. In most cases, tidbits of useful wisdom transcend generational and technological gaps, and can help anyone who hears them in any time period.

Life quotes are little gems and everyone should have a few up their sleeve. A person never knows when he or she might have the right, life changing piece of wisdom for a friend, coworker, or colleague. Sometimes knowing what to say can make all the difference in the world.

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