Here are some powerful inspiration quotes, how they can motivate you and why/how they are applicable in our daily lives;
1. "Most
times, arrogance accompanies strength, and it is wrong to conclude that
justice is on the side of the one who is strong. Moral choice must
always accompany the use of power" - Theodore Bikel
Motivation/Daily Application of the Quote:
in your family, workplace or in government, you would have one form of
power or the other. It is easy to abuse power or use it to oppress
others. However, if you replay the quote before you daily (especially
the last part...moral choice must always accompany the use of power), it
would help you to use power only in a morally acceptable manner.
Motivational quotes are powerful in pointing us to the right direction
2. "Don't entrust power without putting a check" - John Adams
Motivation/Daily Application of the Quote:
abuse of power is inevitable when there is no check put in place by the
person who entrusted the power. So, whenever and wherever you are in
the position to delegate power, ensure that you spell out the boundaries
that must not be exceeded and how the power should be used.
times, when people use power wrongly, the blame goes back to the person
or persons who entrusted the power in their hands. This quote is worth
replaying in our minds each day - it's a great way to kickstart your
life to delegate power rightly.
3. "Always, the jaws of
power are opened to devour; and if possible, its arms are always
stretched out to destroy freedom of speech and thought and writings" - John Adams
Motivation/Daily Application of the Quote:
leads us to another quote that says 'absolute power corrupts
absolutely'. This life quote still points to one thing 'power should be
entrusted with check'; if not, the freedom and rights of the subjects
would be in jeopardy
4. "A friend in power is a friend lost" - Henry Brooks Adams
Motivation/Daily Application of the Quote:
intoxicates - as a result, it is easy to lose a friend who in power.
When it happens, do not moan, try and move on. This motivational quote
is intended to prepare your heart in the event that your friend in power
starts behaving otherwise. Also, you can determine not to lose your
friends when you get to power.
5. "Whatever takes you to the Top has to Sustain You when You Get to the Top" - Tunde Bakare
Motivation/Daily Application of the Quote:
you seek power by all means, you would need 'all means' to sustain the
power. But, if you allow the cause of nature or God Himself to take you
to the top, you would not struggle to stay on top, God himself would
sustain you while you are on top.
These life quotes would give you a new direction to the use of power when you explore and apply them to your daily living.
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