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Showing posts with label motivational poster maker. Show all posts

A Few Quotes About Life You Need to Hear

3 word quotes about life are wonderful words to motivate and inspire oneself. They act as tools of encouragement to stay optimistic, motivated and focused. They are great to use as affirmations for daily encouragement. They remind you that your happiness is in your hands. How you achieve this is in your words.

Here are a Few Quotes About Life You Need to Hear....


'Clarity gives Focus', 'Forgive and forget' and 'Treat with care' 

are important 3 words that will help you make your life the best!

Clarity gives Focus

Reevaluate your life regularly to get clarity on what's happening in your life. We face unexpected challenges and at such moments instead of getting bogged down by the pressure let us ask ourselves these questions.

What am I going to do about it?
What can I learn from this experience?
How can I avoid this happening again?

Our experiences in life will expose our good and bad spots and when we polish the rough spots our life will shine like a diamond. Focus on the answers to win.

Forgive and Forget

Don't have expectations of yourself or others to be perfect. Forgive yourself when you make mistakes or don't live up to your expectations of being perfect. Forgive and forget others mistakes too. Throw away resentments as they have the power to spoil your mind and life.

Treat with care

You are the most important person in your life and only you can take care of your mind, body and spirit. Listen to your body's needs-eat well and exercise regularly. 

Have varied interests to keep your mind energized. Let your spirit become calm with daily meditations. Take care of your relationships as they make your life worthwhile. 

Be a good listener to appreciate their thoughts and opinions. Value their presence and express your appreciation. Three word quotes about life are guidelines for a successful and peaceful life. They are little gems of wisdom. What you make of your life is up to you. So, choose to be the best you can be.

Are you impressed with the awesome 3 word quotes that help you to make your life a success?

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Life Quotes: Motivational, Inspirational

Many people have a large repertoire of life quotes at their disposal for use at any appropriate time, and having the right quote at the right time can be very important.

While many quotes are not original, a good quote with a good message can stand the test of time and be passed down from generation to generation. Great quotes can be used for a variety of different purposes: to amuse, to inspire, to educate, to inform, or even just to make a person in a bad mood crack a smile and break out of their shell.

Most great quotes are passed down from generation to generation through families and friends. Most of the time, the quotes aren't even passed on intentionally...they simply stick out in a person's mind after hearing them, and down the road, the person finds someone else to pass on this knowledge.

Good quotes can be able a variety of different things, and a person who is well versed will have a quote for just about anything.

The most useful kinds of quotes are quotes that are either motivational or informative and can be used in just about any situation. Quotes about life that are motivational hold a very dear place in people's hearts. Sometimes something as simple as a quote that one's heard a million times, delivered by the right person at the right time can be all it takes for a person's mood to do a complete one hundred and eighty degree turn.
In addition, there are many informative quotes out there that a person can remember.


From quotes along the lines of biblical, proverbial wisdom, to idioms that we use on a daily basis, quotes can provide a cautionary tale for all people to heed. There is a reason quotes are passed down from generation to generation and it's not because the advice is bad or that the advice shouldn't be taken seriously.

Quotes are passed down time and time again because the advice holds true time and time again. In most cases, tidbits of useful wisdom transcend generational and technological gaps, and can help anyone who hears them in any time period.

Life quotes are little gems and everyone should have a few up their sleeve. A person never knows when he or she might have the right, life changing piece of wisdom for a friend, coworker, or colleague. Sometimes knowing what to say can make all the difference in the world.

Never Ever Give Up - Read Motivational Life Quotes

At time, you might feel like giving up as you embark yourself on a journey to success. You might want to give up and get back to your old mediocre life during the low time. It does happen to everyone who is endeavored to live life beyond what they are expected. At such time, we need motivation to get rid of giving up thoughts lingering over our mind and to continue our journey towards success. 

Motivational quotes instill hope in us and make us come to terms with the fact that we are not alone in our journey. There are peoples in the history who were exactly in the same situation as we are in. If they are able to make it through tough time, so can we. Below are listed some of my favorite motivational quotes which you can read whenever you find yourself on the verge of giving up.
If at first you don't succeed, try, try again. Unknown
Never stop trying until you succeed in what you are doing. Those who try always win. Trial and error is an effective strategy whereas trial and quitting will produce only one result - Failure. 

No matter how many attempts you've made, no matter how many times you've failed you are destined to succeed as long as you keep trying.
All who have accomplished great things have had a great aim; have fixed their gaze on a goal which was high, one which sometimes seemed impossible. Orison Swett Marden
Unless you don't have an aim or goal to work towards, you are doomed to live mediocre life. So the first thing you got to do is to decide what you want. What is your goal or aim of life? Once you've decided your goal, you need to be focused on your goal. Being focused is the key to success.

Let me illustrate my above statement with the story of Arjun and Dronacharya. Once, to test the archery skills of his students, Guru Dronacharya asked each of his students one by one to shoot on a wooden bird's eye hanging on a branch of a tree. He asks each one of his student one by one what they see as they are aiming for bird's eye and ready to shot. 


Each one of them said they see everything clearly except Arjuna who said, "I can see only bird's left eye." This is called focus. He has fixed his gaze on his goals. And he succeeded in it. So the point here is make a goal and be focused on achieving it. If you are focused, then thoughts of giving up won't come your way.
Our greatest glory is not in never failing, but in rising up every time we fail. Ralph Waldo Emerson
Every time you get knocked down, rise up with double enthusiasm. Don't hold yourself back and stop trying because you've failed. Failure is just an opportunity for it teaches you important lessons as far as success is concerned.


Increase Your Confidence Level by Reading Quotes on Life

Increasing your confidence level or attitude can be said as setting your mind that you can do any task. In other words, it is known as having hope on you rather than depending upon others. 

Quotes on life will help you in solving or to overcome problem that you have done before and you will get an attitude to face challenges.

Why quotes on life are necessary?

Quotes on life for developing confidence/ attitude will redirect to the place of success. Achieving certain tasks or goals requires self-confidence within you and these motivations quotes towards life will help you to taste success no matter whether it is in personal life or in career life. 

There are various benefits included from these quotes and money will come in search of you if necessary hard word, commitments as well as responsibilities are shown.

How quotes on life will change you?

The foremost thing that you need to do is to have positive thoughts on all aspects. It is very important to see a positive way even though when you are in a tough situation. There is a famous quote "failure is the way for tasting success". 


This is obviously true with all people no matter whether they are at school or at work. A school going kid will have pressure in studies and may get low marks in the exams or an entry level professional could be able to get a job even after several attempts. 

 The message here is hard work never fails and each failure should be considered as an experience and it has to overcome in the next attempt. Apart from these, creating positive attitude by reading quotes on life will motivate you and help you in getting successes in the future.

Five Famous Life Quotes to Motivate You

Motivation is necessary to drive you forward towards your goals. It can be defined as internal condition that energizes you and gives you an inner strength to achieve what you want in life. There are plenty of ways that can give you instant boost in your motivation to accomplish things.

Reading Inspirational Life Quotes is one of the best ways to keep your self Motivated throughout the day. It is one of the best motivation tools available and best thing about them is that they are free of cost.

What you think, you'll be. A man is nothing but the products of his thoughts. A good Quote about life change your negative thoughts into positive. Reading them quickly throw out all the negative thoughts from your mind and gives you a feeling of motivations and inspiration.


The five following Life Quotes are my favorite Quotes. Whenever I do feel sad or alone and I need motivation, I just read them. After reading I feel much more relaxed. I have noted down these Quotes in my daily Notebook. Also, I have placed two of these quotes in my office wall as well as my bed room wall.
These Quotes are:

"Life is to be lived. If you have to support yourself, you had bloody well better find some way that is going to be interesting. And you don't do that by sitting around wondering about yourself." Katharine Hepburn

"The first step to getting the things you want out of life is this: Decide what you want." Ben Stein

"Life is to be fortified by many friendships. To love and to be loved is the greatest happiness of existence." Sydney Smith

"Balance, peace, and joy are the fruit of a successful life. It starts with recognizing your talents and finding ways to serve others by using them." Thomas Kinkade

"The two hardest things to handle in life are failure and success."  Anonymous

You can make a poster of these life quotes and place them on your office and home wall or you can set them as wallpaper on your mobile phone and on your computer. These Quotes have always helped when I am down.  Reading them makes me realize that life is not as difficult as we think. It is up to us how we live our life. They quickly and easily motivate me to get things done.

As you probably have realized after reading this article that reading inspirational life quotes can change your life to one of success and happiness. I strongly recommend you to make your own list of motivational quotes about life in MS word or notepad. Just read them whenever life is taking you down and get instant boost in your energy.

How to Get the Best Life Insurance Quote

Life insurance pricing is as variable as every other type of insurance available through several different companies via numerous venues. Because of the many different companies, it raises a question regarding the vast difference in pricing for what is essentially the same product, the only difference being the company that owns the policy. 

While customers are generally at the mercy of the companies when it comes to costs of services or items, insurance policies do not have stagnant pricing, and therefore, there are things consumers can do to ensure they get the best price quotes available for policies that meet their needs.

The advancements of Internet speed and social networking have made the task of obtaining insurance quotes faster and easier than they have ever been. There are websites dedicated to obtaining life insurance quotes from up to ninety different companies with the customer only needing to fill out one relatively simple form. The quotes are generated via computer information and census information, using age, health, occupation and habits as ways to price a life insurance policy for a single individual. 


Most of the questionnaires, particularly those for individuals under the age of forty, are generalized to enhance the speed of the quote returns and to keep costs low as well. This is done by the websites that have larger groups of insurance companies on their rosters because they have enough capital to subsidize the one or two percent of the applicants in any given age and price range who might become ill or suffer an unforeseen health misfortune.

Because the companies that use the quote websites know they will be in stiff competition, they are likely to quote prices that are quite a bit lower than prices that an individual might get from a private insurance agent. This is mainly due to the fact that the agent gets paid from commission made from the sale of the life insurance policy, so the higher the premium, the higher the commission.

Basically, getting a good insurance quote depends on the number of applications that a person submits. If a person gets several dozen quotes, he or she should have a good idea about the general pricing of a life insurance policy that suits their individual needs. As mentioned previously, the easiest way for a person to obtain numerous quotes in a fraction of the time it would take to meet one insurance agent is to go to one of the many specialized websites available on the Internet. The more quotes a person gets for a policy, the more ammunition he or she has in their arsenal of information.

Most of the background information on the companies that advertise and offer free quotes through these specialized websites has been done by the website, so customers need not worry about the veracity of the insurance company themselves. The top rated quote websites will not only supply the policy seeker a quote, but most will also include the national business rating of the company as well, to give the customer deeper insight into the company with whom their beneficiaries futures could be entrusted.

10 Great Quotes on Life From John Lennon

Lessons from a Rock and Roll Spiritual Seeker

John Lennon may have had more in common with the great thinkers of any age than with other songwriters who were his contemporaries. Certainly he was first in a cadre of rock stars who used their celebrity as a force for good, paving the way for Bono and Bob Geldof by decades.

He found his way out of a turbulent life and troubled, working-class childhood and grew into different roles - from Rock Star, peace advocate, social activist, women's rights advocate, and managed to fashion a philosophy that elevated the human spirit and encouraged people to work, individually and collectively, toward a better world. Like Socrates, Lennon wanted to stimulate people to think for themselves.

 "There ain't no guru who can see through your eyes," he sings in "I Found Out."

Lennon said he knew he was 'different,' even as a child, sometimes feeling lost and bewildered by it. "I was different from the others. I was different all my life. Therefore, I must be crazy or a genius. There was something wrong with me, I thought, because I seemed to see things other people didn't see. I was always so psychic or intuitive or poetic or whatever you want to call it, that I was always seeing things in a hallucinatory way."

Throughout his short life, Lennon fought many existential battles with himself and whatever he thought of as God. To interpret Lennon's spiritual hunger, Lennon searched for and sang about the truth, discarding religious indoctrination and accepted norms when they proved unhelpful.

In 1966 Lennon was famously quoted as saying that the Beatles were more popular than Jesus. The quote sparked outrage in both the US and the UK, but the real problem with what Lennon said was that there was an element of truth in what he said. The Beatles WERE more popular (meant more) than Jesus himself for youth in England and America at that time- as do television, video games and many other things of this world to many people today.

Lennon's personal spiritual journey was a public one; from his experimentation with drugs; his encounters with the Maharishi; to his undertaking of primal scream therapy, which helped to grow a number of self help/spiritual fads that mirrored the shifting moods of more than one generation. In fact, The Beatles 1968 visit to India to learn Meditation at the ashram of Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, is credited by some as the first change in attitudes in the West about Indian spirituality. Amidst widespread media attention, their stay at the ashram was one of the band's most productive periods.

John Lennon was a man who both reflected his times and influenced them. He did his searching right out in the open. And if anything, he was probably too honest about both his doubts and his beliefs for his time. "Imagine there's no heaven. It's easy if you try. No hell below us, above us only sky. Imagine all the people, living for today," said Lennon, in the anthem that for many defined his life. "Imagine there's no countries. It isn't hard to do. Nothing to kill or die for, and no religion too."

Ironically, Mark David Chapman, who shot Lennon in 1980, said that he had become obsessed with the political messages in Lennon's music. He was incensed by Lennon's "bigger than Jesus" remark and stated he was further enraged by "God", and "Imagine."

Toward the end of his short life, Lennon referred to himself a "Zen Christian." He left us with a great legacy of self-examination and spiritual philosophy.


10 Great Quotes from John Lennon:

1) You don't need anybody to tell you who you are or what you are. You are what you are.

2) If everyone demanded peace instead of another television set, then there'd be peace.

3) A dream you dream alone is only a dream. A dream you dream together is reality.

4) Reality leaves a lot to the imagination.

5) I can't wake you up. You can wake you up. I can't cure you. You can cure you.

6) Life is what happens while you are making other plans.

7) God is a concept by which we measure our pain.

8) Time you enjoy wasting was not wasted.

9) If someone thinks that love and peace are a cliche © that were left behind in the 60's, that's his problem. Love and Peace are eternal.

10) We've got this gift of love, but love is like a precious plant... you've got to keep watering it. You've got to really look after it and nurture it.

Tell us which quote is your favorite.

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The Truth About Online Life Insurance Quotes

Life Insurance Quotes

Life insurance refers to a policy that offers financial stability and protection upon the death of an individual. Thus, the main beneficiary is not the person taking the insurance policy but his family or other appointed people. As such, it may also be viewed as a form of savings especially if you are buying a plan that requires you make contributions on a regular basis. 

Some of the areas that are usually covered by the insurance quotes include protection of your mortgage, security for your family, a consideration for retirement savings and security for the family.

Unfortunately, not everyone knows how to find the best life insurance quotes thus they have to use insurance brokers and agents which is sometimes too costly. However, with the proper use of the internet finding quotes takes just a matter of minutes. This is because a majority of the insurance companies are taking advantage of new technologies as a means of ensuring that they penetrate the market with ease.


Even better, there are a number of companies that have developed technologies that is capable of comparing many insurance quotes at once. This saves you the trouble of having to request quotes from every site or even comparing few sites. This mega quotes comparison can be done by following simple steps without having to contact an agent. In order to get started you will need to begin by keying the specific information on the number and type of quotes that you want. 

For instance, if you would like to compare 50 quotes then the words that you will type into the search engine are compare 50 insurance quotes. With this, the search engine results will include the list of all the possible life insurance quotes from the various companies that offer it.

From these results you may then visit the specific company websites so that you can check for further specific details. This is very important because although they all offer insurance policy, the particulars of these policies will often vary from one company to the other. You may even go further and obtain a quote as this is usually free. However, you must be willing to provide some basic information that usually determines the quote such as your gender, age, weight, occupation and email address. You may also specify on the type of benefits that you would like to have for your policy. Once you have provided this information, the company will send you an email with the quotes.

This must however be done with caution while taking time to compare the various companies carefully. This is because making comparisons for a huge number of companies can be overwhelming and could cause you to make the wrong judgment in the process because of processing too much information. Thus, you may also want to consider working with smaller number in making the comparisons for the quotes. In conclusion, while everyone is certain that they will die someday, it is important to consider going to a life insurance policy that will benefit those who will be entitled to the benefits. Therefore, it is worthwhile to check out for the various quotes before making a decision on the quote that you will settle for.

Nick Mastro is the Website Administrator for Life Insurance Quote Finder.

Cute Quotes About Life - Get Motivated to Live Life to Fullest

What is the meaning of life? What is the purpose of our life? Why we are born? Most of us don't know the answers of these questions. But it's simple. In one word I can sum up answer to all of these questions. Live your life to fullest. Yes, this is what the meaning of life. This is what the purpose of life and this is why we are born.

There is something magical about living life to fullest. When we live life to fullest, all our fears are vanished, our courage and confidence touches the sky and all our doubts and fears are dispelled. It gives us sense of extraordinary freedom and exhilaration which in turn allows you control your life the way you want. But to live life to its fullness, we need motivation. 

Motivation is driving force that gets us started. Cute Life Quotes can be beneficial when it comes to motivation. Studying them and comprehending the meaning behind them will give you wisdom to make your life the way you want it to be.

For example reading this quote of Ashley smith, "Life is full of melody. Notice it. Notice the bumble bee, the small child, and the smiling faces. Smell the rain, and feel the wind. 

Live your life to fullest potential, and fight for your dreams." Suddenly motivate you to love your life and enjoy every moment of it t your heart's content.

Here are some more cute life quotes to ponder on:

"The Greatest use of a life is to spend it for something that will outlast it." Anonymous

"Whatever you are, be a good one." Abraham Lincoln

"If you do nothing unexpected, nothing unexpected happens."

"Reach for the sky, set goals, live life to fullest and always remember to wake up each day with a smile." Brandy miller

I can suggest you couple of place if you want to read more cute life quotes. You can find them in books. If you are an avid reader, that won't be big problem for you. And if reading is not your cup of tea, you can get them in news paper. All leading newspapers publish quote of the day on front page at the top right side. Furthermore, you can find loads of life quotations on internet.

Life Quotes - Lifetime Inspiration and Wisdom

Everyone want to live life in the best way they can. However, most of us have no idea of what it is required to do so. It seems it is the secret which belongs to minor group of people. 

As known to the wise people, the truth is - inspiration and wisdom are the two important ingredients for us to live our life the best we can.

Where we can get inspiration and wisdom? These two elements are available in short sentences which are called life quotes. Life quotes provides inspiration and motivation to chase our dream. 

Besides inspiration and motivation, life quotes has wisdom that which gives us strength to go through life journey and fight for our dreams.

So, if you want inspiration, motivation and wisdom, you should start by reading quotes. There are books containing quotes and some even comes with explanation of each quotes, based on the authors point of view. Books containing quotes are constantly inspiring. 

I have found lots of quotation books in the bookstore and I love most of them. Those book does not only have quotes but it includes famous sayings and proverbs as well. 

If you spend some time reading these books, you might as well love them too. Lots of people love things that which inspires them.

Quotes, sayings and proverbs can be good guide for life and provides the ingredients we talked about earlier. The inspiration and wisdom from life quotes are lifetime value. They can be used until the end of time and your wisdom can be transferred to your next generation. 

You can share your life lessons with wise sayings to young generations. They will respect you as a wise person and will refer to you whenever they need advice or guidance.

Best Life Quotes On Being Curious

Quotes are not only fun to read, but most of the times they are inspiring and motivating. I have compilation of best quotes on life and love. One of my favorite is of Albert Einstein's saying: I have no special talents, I am only passionately curious. This quote, if applied in our life, it can help us to be much more wise and at the same time, sharpens our thinking skill.

I believe that saying is one of his success secrets. It is human nature to be curious about many things. There are two type of human, one is just doesn't bother to think and the other one that takes the initiatives to think. There is a famous quotes that have said thinking is hard work, which is why we don't see many people doing it.


If we are curious about something but we didn't take initiative to find an answer to that curiosity, we will not learn much. Albert Einstein had initiative to clear his curiosities and the result is he discovered so many things that are truly amazing. From that we can see that talent itself is not enough. If we are given intelligence and we don't use it to think deeper by being curious, we can't possibly come up with a great idea.

So it is important to be curious and if there are people around us that has habit of getting curious, don't be annoyed by them. Instead of discouraging them, we should help them if we know the ways around to clear their curiosity. One day, they might invent something that will make our or someone's life easier. Additionally, some curious people are interesting people, the reason is unknown but it is true. They have trained their brain so much until they can think deeper than others.

Well, that's about Albert Einstein. Another great person in our history is Walt Disney. Many of us can recognize some best quotes that came from Walt Disney. Now, here's one of the best quotes from Walt Disney, it goes: We keep moving forward, opening new doors, and doing new things, because we're curious and curiosity keeps leading us down new paths.

Do you see the similarity of meaning between the quote by Albert Einstein and Walt Disney? They both understand that to be different and to achieve great thing, we have to create something different and that, it starts off from curiosity.

Without curiosity, we can't go anywhere and we will be stuck in same place. We will be getting the same result as long we are doing the same thing. If we want different result, we must do different things and to have an inspired action to start with, first we need to be curious.

By the way, be curious of the right things, and not about the wrong things. Marie Curie once have said: Be less curious about people and more curious about ideas. There is another great quote about curious, said by Jacques Yves Cousteau: What is a scientist after all? It is a curious man looking through a keyhole, the keyhole of nature, trying to know what's going on.

This article was written by David Roylands. He love collecting all sort of quotations and sayings especially life quotes.

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5 Famous Quotes About Life

Most people have heard them, and you've even probably used a couple of them yourself. People use them as their statuses on social web pages as well as wear t-shirts and drink out of coffee mugs that display them. Quotes about life are some of the most popular and well-liked pieces of literature known to man. People can relate to quotes about life because they have real meaning.

1. "The real reason for not committing suicide is because you always know how swell life gets after the hell is over" - Ernest Hemingway

There are a lot of individuals who can relate to this quote. Oftentimes, life tends to become overwhelming and we are blinded by the bad things that are happening, but through our experience, we have learned that circumstances are always changing and that things always get better - eventually. Sometimes you just have to wait until the storm has passed and undergo certain trials and tribulations in life in order to learn your lesson. Once the storm has passed, everything is as it was, and sometimes calmer and better than before. It's just a matter of time and waiting.

2. "It is not the years in your life but the life in your years that counts" - Adlai Stevenson

This quote coincides with the term, "quantity versus quality". It's a great quote because of the truth it holds about life. A person can live 100 years, but if those 100 years have no meaning or quality, they're simply useless. Living without happiness or feeling is just about as wonderful as being dead because there is nothing happening and you're not making it happen. If an individual were to only live 18 years, but those 18 years were better than another person's 100 years, then he's had a good life.

3. "Life is all memory, except for the one present moment that goes by so quickly you hardly catch it going" - Tennessee Williams

This quote is a good example of how short life is. You live, but during the process of living, you can barely take hold of the things that are happening in front of you because the present moment goes by so quickly. When it's over, it's just another memory, but for those who truly enjoy life, it's another memory they hold dear to their hearts. Sometimes, life is full of unpleasant and bad memories. No matter what form the memories present themselves, they are undoubtedly a learning experience.

4. "Sometimes I wish life had a fast-forward button" - Dan Chopin

Why is this quote so good? Because it describes the exact thoughts and feelings of just about everyone at some point or another. Life is full of times which most of us do not want to have to endure. One of the greatest examples is during work or a tragedy. Work is something that most people cannot avoid, and although they have to go to make a living, most individuals would agree that it would be nice to have a fast forward button. The same goes for tragic situations. There are just some things in life that are too unpleasant to deal with.

Unfortunately, people must go through a series of ups and downs and live through all of it.

5. "Our insignificance is often the cause of our safety" - Aesop

In life, it's all about getting out and making something of ourselves. People can't simply expect everything to be handed to them on a silver platter. It is up to us to get out and do something about our circumstances in order to ensure we live great lives and are looked at as admirable individuals when it's all over. For some people, that's hard to do. You can't become someone of significance if you are scared of everything. To become truly satisfied with yourself and your life, you must step outside of your comfort zone and not be afraid to live.

The majority of these quotes you can probably relate to. Most people have a pretty good understanding of the meaning of these famous life quotes. Chances are, you'll continue to see some of them repeatedly throughout life, and maybe even choose to use a few of them yourself as you go along. Nevertheless, they are meaningful and a great reminder of some of the real truths in life.
Wadzanai Nenzou Is A Writer And Owner Of Inspirational Quotes Change Lives Website. She Loves Sharing Quotes.

Inspirational Quotes About Life

Not everyone is self motivated; it is only for the gifted few. But lesser mortals need some kind of inspiration in some form, especially in moments of distress. Hence, inspirational quotes about life by famous people have always found a great market. These quotes are good enough not only for the depressed but also for those who want to improve their quality of life.

One such book is 1001 motivational quotes for success written by Thomas J. Vilord. It comes in paper back and is priced at $ 949. This book is the compilation of quotes of famous people who were either business men or great motivators of their time. Since it is taken from people belonging to all strata, it is useful and applies to anyone- woman, professional, sports person, student or some one who wants to succeed in life.

This is the kind of motivation and energy they have been looking for and by reading this book, it is sure to take them to great heights. The human energy is like a bomb that gets blown up when there is a trigger.

So, the trigger can be in the form of a person, a book, a discourse or guidance from a mentor or a coach. But this book is all in one as it is a combination of all that we need.


The book starts with the quote what you declare you will achieve and also quotes the words of Todd Bellemere, "courage is facing your fears, stupidity is, fearing nothing". It also includes the quotes of the great Napoleon Hill, Dr Samuel Johnson (great works are performed not by strength but by perseverance ) and also says, people become successful the minute they decide to. It also shows the path through which success can be achieved through the quote, time patience and perseverance will accomplish all things.

There are quotes from unknown author too like, to be a winner, all you have to do is give all you have. Anyone reading this book is sure to get inspired and reading any one or two quotes in the morning helps to give the needed strength and determination for the day. Since each and every quote is given in separate boxes, it is easy to read and remember them. Truly, this book is ideal to be given as a gift to a friend or others to become successful in life.

Use Quotes About Life To Boost Your Love Life

Hopefully you are in a great relationship and have been for some time. Perhaps however you have reached that stage where it is said that the honeymoon is over. You know the stage where you quit holding hands in public, or snuggling up on the couch to watch a good movie? Well this may be classed as the settling in mode, but its also allowing the flame of love to dwindle down to a spark. Come on now don't you want your heart to skip a beat and your stomach to turn to butterflies once again when the love of your life walks in the room?

Well you can rekindle this passion and these feelings by utilizing quotes about life in the right way. They can be used as a motivator and as a means of keeping your emotions running full tilt. We all to often become stale in our emotions and that's where boredom sets in. There is nothing like the feeling of being head over heels in love with someone. Gosh true love is so strong it actually hurts. That is the driving force behind a solid and lasting relationship and is also the force that is lost the easiest and results in relationship breakdowns.


Quotes about life act as a reminder of what life and love is about. It allows to grasp onto the meaning. It is something that you can utilize on a ongoing basics just like adding fuel to a fire, only the fire this time is love.
You may be thinking that your relationship has gone past that point but if you are still looking for ways to rekindle it then it most likely hasn't. Even if the efforts to put passion back in the relationship is one sided you can still turn that spark back into a flame. You need strength, encouragement and determination to accomplish it, but if you want it bad enough then you have to fight for it.

All too often breakups occur because another person has stepped into the picture, such as another man or woman. Part of the reason for this is because we may have left room for them. By applying the right quotes to your life you will soon learn to plug up the love holes and reduce the risk of a third party taking over.
Now it may seem strange that a simple group of words could have such a dynamic impact on one's life especially when it comes to love. Many of the quotes for life have been provided by famous and successful people who lived life with a passion. As a result of this they reached magnificent and prosperous goals in their life.

You have a free power source at your fingertips by taking advantage of living life quotes to help you live life to its fullest.

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Short Quotes With Explanation for Motivation and Success

Short quotes inspire us for action. Life without motivation is like we are sitting in a dark room. People often work like a robot and do not dare to dream big. God has given us life to do extraordinary tasks. We all have qualities and capabilities to achieve anything. The only thing which required is motivation.

So here's are some of my favorite short quotes to let you feel the magic of motivation i life-

"For every dark night there is a brighter day." -Tupac Shakur

This short quote describes how we should take our life. Good time and bad time keeps on coming and going. There is always bright day after dark night. So you should be optimistic and think the positive side. After your hard work, success is bound to come. So never give-up and keep on putting your best.

"All that we are is the result of what we have thought." -Budha

Whatever we are is the result of our thought. All the achievement and success is the result of our attitude and our power of thinking. All the miracles take place in mind, so think high and work hard. Do not take rest until you achieve your goals.


"Our truest life is when we are in dreams awake." -Henry David Thoreau

Dreams give us a vision to work on. A person without dreams is as good as animal. So the best in life comes when you watch big dreams with open eyes. Dreams keep us inspired. All the big achievers of world are big dreamer. They dream and work hard to convert them into reality.

"Impossible is a word to be found only in the dictionary of fools." -Unknown

Nothing is impossible. Every task needs passion, positive energy and will power. Long time ago, nobody could have thought of airplane, but today it is truth. We can fly in air. So impossible is nothing. We have reached to moon. We all have all the powers of doing anything we wish for. We just need to wake up and motivate ourselves to realize our hidden qualities.

"Our greatest glory is not in never falling but in rising every time you fall." -Anonymous

Failure and success is the part of life. Many people give up after facing failure. They should not do it. You must get up and try again with your double level of energy, because you have gained more experience. Never forget that the failures are the pillar of success.
So do your best to achieve the best with motivational short quotes. Life is great teacher. Learn from it and be a real winner.

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Motivational Quotes About Life to Help You Battle Life's Challenges

"Life's challenges are not supposed to paralyze you; they're supposed to help you discover who you are." Aptly observed by Bernice Johnson Reagon. Quotes like these hold more than a grain of truth and wisdom for people who find it difficult to battle life's daily challenges.

Battling with life's challenges entails that a person keep himself refrain from negative thoughts and actively engage in positive state of mind. Positive thoughts, in tough time, can magically effect on the way you respond to your problems. Being in positive thinking, helps you keep yourself focused on solutions rather than the problem. Below is a compilation of some extremely motivational life quotes which can help raise spirits and inject enthusiasm to cope with challenging life situations.

"Accept the challenges so that you may feel the exhilaration of victory.

General George S. Patton

This quote implies the fact that we should never ever back off from challenges. We should accept them as a way of life, for it was these trying and challenging situations of life that make us highly inspired and imaginative person. Discouragement, disappointments, fear, sadness, gloominess will hardly ever touch us.

"Challenges are what make life interesting; overcoming them is what makes life meaningful." Joshua J. Marine

Have you ever thought what your life would be like if there are no challenges to face, no deadlines to meet, no issues to resolve and no problems to cope with. Life would be quite dull this way, wouldn't it? It was the trying and challenging time of life that makes our life interesting. And with each challenge we overcome brings more meaning to our life, as we grow in wisdom and strength of character from it.


"Life's up and downs provide windows of opportunity to determine your values and goals. 

Think of using all obstacles as stepping stones to build the life you want." Marsha Sinetar

This quote teaches us to change the way we look at life's ordeals. It tells us to take tough time of life as an opportunity. An opportunity to know your values, to grow as a person, to go beyond your limitations, to determine your goals, to get to know your real self, and to build.

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