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The 5 Most Popular Law Of Attraction Books

By Hieke Huiskes

Are you using a Dream Book to help you manifest your desires? This powerful law of attraction tool can dramatically increase your manifesting ability and keep you on track toward those things that you want to attract into your life.A Dream Book is one of the top law of attraction tools that you can use on a daily basis to help you manifest your desires. Not only is a Dream Book a great way to help you stay focused on your desires, but it will also help you refine and zero in on your specific wants.

Ask and It Is Given: Learning to Manifest Your Desires (Esther Hicks, Jerry Hicks and Wayne Dyer).Ask and It Is Given helps you see some of the most life-changing concepts. It reads more like a "how to" book with immediately useable instructions that can profoundly affect your thinking and your feelings. Its in-depth and easy style helps you dig in and really learn how to apply the principles in your life. This popular book is especially for anyone who is struggling with negative or "glass half-empty" kind of thinking. The exercises given can dramatically improve your thinking and emotional state. Ask and It Is Given is one of my all-time favorites.

The Secret of the Ages (Robert Collier).The Secret of the Ages contains real and lasting truths. This timeless masterpiece helps people understand the power of positive thinking. The Secret of the Ages will give you insights into how to attract what you want in your life. It has inspiring examples of how others have overcome challenges and improved their lives. This popular classic gives practical advice for anyone else who wants to improve their life

The person that popularized the Law of Attraction in the 21st Century was Rhonda Byrne. She produced a movie called The Secret in the year 2006. The movie was based on The Law of Attraction and became a huge hit. She also wrote a book based on the film with the same title. Both the book and the film played a huge role in introducing The Law of Attraction to scores of people in this century.

How to Use Your Dream Book.Now simply keep your Dream Book on your desk or somewhere where you will be sure to see it often. When you have a spare moment glance through it and allow yourself to feel as if you already possess the things that you want to create in your life.Your Dream Book is a work in progress. Don't be afraid to change things or to add new pictures as your wants and desires change.

Anyone who has achieved any level of success can attribute their success to the principles taught in these popular books.These 5 popular Law of Attraction books helped me go to levels of success that I could have never reached before. I learned powerful life-changing principles in every one of these excellent books. The next book I am excited to read is called The Method: How To Apply The Law Of Attraction & Get Everything You Want Out Of Life by Scott Soloff.When I'm done, I will let you know what I think.If you're just starting, an excellent place to begin your study of the Law of Attraction is to read The Secret.

Looking for a new book by The Secret guru Bob Proctor? Bob Proctor's latest offering is a new program called The 11 Forgotten Laws, which takes the law of attraction to a whole new level.Bob Proctor's own life is a study in using the law of attraction for manifesting the life you want. Born poor, a high school dropout, he turned his life around within a year when he read Napoleon Hill's Think and Grow Rich book. He began working for Earl Nightingale, and now travels the world teaching the law of attraction secrets.Strictly speaking, The 11 Forgotten Laws isn't a book, it's a six-hour series of audio files in MP3 format accompanied by a PDF transcript and workbook. You can listen to the audio on your computer, or can take it with you on any MP3 player.

Law of Attraction books are everywhere. That really is not a problem. With a little research, you will be able to narrow down which authors are the most reputable. Once you find them, don't waste your time with too many others. You want to really focus on one system. That may or may not be The Secret. But it is crucial to your success that you commit to one system at a time and stick with it long enough to give it a chance to work.

All too often we buy a book, read it and wait for miraculous transformations. It just doesn't work that way. For a system or principle to work for you, you must absorb it. You must practice the techniques until they are a part of your being, melted into your sub-conscious mind.In terms of Law of Attraction books, The Science of Success by Wallace Wattles has no superior! Wattle's writings are head and shoulders above the rest. I always try to find the "roots" of a system and read directly from there. I do that because in general, the farther back you go in time, the closer you are to the uncorrupted message. And one of the roots to The Secret is Wattles writings.

Every person alive has an inborn creative ability to mold their own existence to fulfill their personal desires. The Source of the Universe, which is responsible for giving us our very being, has also endowed us with a similar spark of creativity which only requires acknowledgment to be activated in our lives. Your current life is the distillation of your previous thoughts, feelings and expectations. If you're not happy with the way things are you can change them for the better now. You simply need to learn and live the Secret.But don't be mistaken The Law of Attraction works whether we acknowledge it or not. It's operation is consistent, unyielding and impersonal. You get what you most think about, even if what you happen to be thinking is wrong. It doesn't care. It only acts on your emotionally-charged thoughts and desires.A Law of Attraction book like The Secret is something to which everyone should be exposed and, since it's debut in 2006 many millions have been. It's something people want to share with their friends and family because of the incredible value imparted in the teachings. You are ultimately responsible for creating your own reality. Do it well!

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