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Building Self Esteem: 5 Essential Ways To Direct Your Thoughts Toward Success

By Cerise Demers

Self esteem and confidence are two traits that every athlete must possess in order to remain competitive and consistent on the field. Low self esteem and low self-confidence can make an athlete nervous, anxious, and/or depressed about his game. Encouragement, praising performance, and rewarding athletic achievements can boost an athlete's self esteem and confidence, not only on the field, but also in life.To encourage a young athlete, parents and coaches should use both verbal and non-verbal forms of communication. Encouragement can come in the form of a spirited locker-room pep talk or a simple handshake and smile. Stern facial expressions and harsh language from the sidelines can make an athlete nervous and fearful of making a mistake. When an athlete is forced to focus entirely on his own performance, he or she can fail to pay attention to the game and the other athletes around them. When this occurs, an athlete may find that the more they're discouraged, the more they hesitate, leading to even more discouragement, and more hesitation.

To make your mind more fluid, you need to expose it periodically to new ideas and experiences. And one way to accomplish this is to reinvent your self image and how you see yourself. Try out different roles. Dare to think different thoughts. And things will change for you and you will become more confident,creative and successful as a result.Every big or small accomplishment starts first as a thought.A small seed can give birth to a tree that will eventually grow to hundreds of feet in height. The same principle applies to your thoughts. A tiny thought can be the starting point of a revolution of a big result in your life. Don't discount your thoughts. They can help you do magic. Monitor your thoughts and align your thoughts to what you want to achieve in life and the actions you take to achieve your goals.

Thoughts are not enough by themselves. It's not enough to think right. You could sit in a corner and think all the thoughts you want and still not make any change to your condition. You also need to do the required steps. And this takes work, planning, strategy, thinking, action and developing skills. Thinking right is great but it's not enough by itself. You also need to act.There's proof that good health can be influenced by your thoughts.Scientists have discovered how belief works at the physical level. Basically, beliefs can change your cells and even switch off or on your genes. This means that you can become someone else mentally and physically through changing your thought patterns. Also, in the past few years, scientists have discovered through the use of REMs how the thoughts that people have on a daily basis rewires the brain at a physical level.

Be careful about having too many assumptions. Assumptions can lead you astray. Assumptions are beliefs that you take for granted. This means that you don't question them and assume them to be true. People in general are pretty logical. They get into trouble when they assume certain wrong things to be true. Examine your more cherished beliefs and test them.The above ideas and principles will help you take control of your mind and direct your thoughts towards success. They require dedication, work, ambition and a lot of patience.I have posted an earlier article (7 self esteem boosters for children) which gives an outline of how the parent or the caregiver can help. Now I want to inform you on how to take action on the theory. I'll walk you though how I do it. You will be able to look over my shoulder and do the same.

Building Self Esteem in Elderly Nursing Home Patients takes time and team work. From the top of the management team to the AIN, EEN, RN, kitchen staff, laundry staff and also the cleaning staff. If the same view-point comes from the top of the staff to the bottom of the staff then it will shine through to all at the Nursing Home. The Patients will feel safe, will feel the love among the staff and will have their Self Esteem in tact.There was a study carried out to see the effects of Self Esteem on Nursing Home Residents which you can read by going to this page Geratic Nursing

Keeping Self Esteem High.Once you have the Self Esteem back on track for the Elderly then it is just as important to keep the Self Esteem High. If one of the members of the staff start to speak in a voice that has no respect for the Elderly then all the staff need to pull together to turn the situation around and address the Elderly in a way that shows the person feels loved and cared about. It is important for our aged generation to feel love, to feel peace and to know that they were once an important person in society.

Self-responsibility neither implies moral blame nor guilt, but should foster a curious inquiry into how and why your life is the way it is. Look for solutions. Ask what assumptions, beliefs, or attitudes motivated your choices and behavior, and what actions can be taken in the future.Avoiding self-responsibility puts you in the role of a helpless victim, waiting for others to change, so that you'll feel better. That never works in the long run, because we can't change others, and even their accommodation to our needs only provides a temporary lift. The other extreme - feeling you're responsible for everything that befalls you can also injure your self-esteem. Blaming yourself for every accident, illness, and mishap presumes an unrealistic level of control. Nor are you responsible for someone else's abusive behavior, but you are responsible for your response to it. Instead of asking why did he or she did that, ask "What beliefs do I have that allow me to permit it?" "What boundaries do I set?" "How can I better protect myself?" "What may happen if I don't change my response?"

Let the action begin. Remember this is not a competition! The aim of the activity is to promote building self esteem in children. You want them to enjoy the activity. The more they enjoy the activity, the more they will practice. The more they practice the more they will shine. Once they excel then they really start to build high self esteem. You want to encourage them along the way. It is their effort to master the activity which must be praised, not the level they achieve. This is a hugely important point - it is the effort that is praised. This will program them that it is the effort that counts.If success comes early so be it, but the children will be programmed to keep at it until they succeed. Children truly appreciate it when parents and carers recognise their efforts rather than their results. As my 13 year old son said this week, "I'm really proud of my efforts to succeed at windsurfing. It takes a lot of practice and effort. Football is so easy; you just have to kick a ball!"

People feel more effective when they take action, and action-oriented people tend to have higher self-esteem. They take action despite how they feel. They don't wait passively for things to change or expect others to change their lives. Although self-awareness of thoughts and feelings is important, if it preempts action, it can undermine self-efficacy, and ultimately self-esteem. Keep in mind that action requires attention directed toward solving a problem, and includes journaling, expressing feelings, making a list, obtaining information, writing a letter, thinking through a problem, making a statement or decision, or even changing your attitude.Think about an area in your life where your self-esteem is low. How could you take more self-responsibility? What specific, small step would generate a greater sense of self-efficacy and make you feel better about yourself?

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