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Are You Using Positive Words As Your Success Strategy? Test Yourself

By Marinda Kleijweg

We are living in a world of words and as Manly Hall, the Canadian-born author and mystic said, "Words are potent weapons for all causes, good or bad." Due to the fact that this is so true, I have devised a quiz, so that you can test yourself to see whether you are aware of the profound effects that positive words, or negative words have.We often say words thoughtlessly but also, many times, we do not really mean what we say. In sense, we live in a semantic universe. Have you ever heard a father say that his child is dead lazy, or have you heard someone say, "I wanted to die, when.."perhaps he ran into a colleague that you were trying to avoid? Is that really what that person really meant, that is, that he wanted to die? Of course not, so you can see how vital the choice of positive words are.

What can I say--I wasn't quite awake when I had these thoughts.When I examined the basis of these negative thoughts I discovered I felt controlled by the company linking my participation in taking the health assessment to lowering my health insurance premiums. For someone who values self-rule and freedom above all else, feeling controlled isn't a good thing.But never mind that. The point is at that moment in time I was viewing my world as a negative place with people out to do me harm--and that simply won't do.Granted, not everyone out there has our best interests at heart. Some people DO have wicked intentions. When you decide to view the world as a friendly place you don't throw common sense out the window. The old 'trust, but verify' still applies.

When you choose to see the world as a friendly place you set a positive expectation that where ever you go, loving, caring people are ready to help you succeed. You step out into the world knowing even if there are scam artists and evil doers; there are good people out there ready to guide you to positive outcomes. You are the one who makes decisions for your life and the faceless 'they' can only influence your decisions if you let them. You are the driver of how you deal with the world. You decide to deal with the world as if it is hostile or as if it is friendly.

God created us to be like Him. He made us to be speaking creatures with the ability to cause change through the power of our words. Everyone lives under the power and influence of words. Words really control everything in this realm and in the Eternal Realm.The manner of life that you are living, positive or negative, has been brought about by words spoken to you and over you, or that you spoke over yourself, words that were thought upon and accepted. These words formed an inner image on the inside of you. By inner image, I mean the way that you view yourself and life in general on the inside, in your heart and mind.Please understand, you speak and live out what is in you in abundance.The condition of your heart and mind determines what you think, how you speak and how you live and treat yourself and other people.Proverbs 4:23 (King James Version of the Bible),"Keep thy heart with all diligence, for out of it are the issues of life."The word, keep, means to guard. And the word issues, means, out-flowing. So this verse of Scripture is telling us, to guard what we allow to get into our hearts, for we will live it out. Why is this so? Because words paint pictures. They paint pictures inside of us, in the subconscious area of our souls. And from these inner pictures, we live our lives.

Many of our most common expressions use negative words. How many times have you or someone else said, "I nearly had a fit." (I stopped saying that after meeting a young boy who suffered from a form of epilepsy that cruelly twisted and contorted him for several minutes each day.) Have you said, " I could have killed him," when some minor thing has bothered us. This fact of how we unwittingly say negative words was brought home to me, when I was living in another country and learning another language.

In our own language we say expressions without thinking, but in another language we tend to notice the literal meaning of words and phrases. For example, there is a phrase in Italian "Non vale niente," that means it isn't worth anything when often the thing is being compared to another thing, but it does not really mean that the object is not worth anything! Another phrase e.g. "morire di noia" means to die of boredom. Translated in a typical sentence could be "I am so sick of working, I hope to die of boredom when I retire." Obviously, a person doesn't really want to die like this when they retire.

Parents, what are you telling your children.Oh be careful what you feed the minds of your child. Make sure you are not feeding them with a destructive mindset of negativism and limitation.Feed them truth from God's Word about themselves so that they can see themselves in the light of truth, God's Truth, and act accordingly.Words will form their inner self, positive or negative.Let me give you another vivid picture of the power of words and their affect upon the hearts and minds of people.It is sad, but true that many young people have gotten caught up in some very negative and destructive habits and behaviors.I remember when this trend started to develop some serious problems in our land.People started throwing blame all over the place.Some blamed the parents.Some blamed the teachers.Some even had the audacity to blame the church.But very few really placed the blame where it really belonged.We must remember that we all have an enemy named satan.He is an evil foe that does not care about anyone. His one intent is destroying mankind.The enemy has come against this generation through the negative influence of destructive thoughts.Of course he has been using people to plant these negative images in the hearts of men and women, boys and girls. And he still does.

The power and effect of words is tremendous when we think about it. God created everything by the words of His mouth. He made us in His image and likeness. This means that He created man to operate like Him. God speaks things into being. We actually rise and fall to the level of our words.Speak words of faith, hope, and love, and the things we say will come toward us. Speak negative words of doubt, fear, worry, hate and disbelief, and these things shall likewise come our way. Our words attract whatever is in them into our lives.

Well, if satan can use negative and destructive words to paint negative and destructive pictures in the heart of people, so that they can live them out and destroy themselves and others, doesn't it stand to reason that if God Almighty can get His positive and powerful thoughts on the canvas of our imaginations, He can change our lives and give us a great self image that will produce joy, inner peace and victory in our lives.If the enemy can use words of lust, perversion and violence to form the inner image of mankind, resulting in people becoming in their experience what they think, how much more will the Word of God develop a god-like character of wholeness, purity and productivity in our lives through the process of meditation.

God's Word is alive.God's Word has transforming power.The word, transform means: to change from one form to another. (And in the context of this book, we are indicating that change to be for the better).So God's Word is able to give you such a new and glorious and powerful inner image that you will literally change in your manner of life.Words form and create the inner image and produce a lifestyle after their kind.That is why it is so important to be careful what you hear and what you speak.Words are seeds. And your heart is the ground in which the seeds are planted.If the wrong seeds of despair and inability were planted they will produce after their kind.However, God's Word is powerful seeds of truth that can up-root the bad seeds and produce wonderful fruits in our lives.Through the affirmations of God's Word, we see ourselves and our conditions from His perspective and we are enabled to change things as His Word changes us on the inside.At one point in my life, I felt like I was a failure. It just seemed like I had not accomplished anything noteworthy with my life.And I was constantly plagued with the thought that I was a nobody.It was depressing.But thank God for His Word.Through affirming His Word over my life concerning the reality that I am a child of God, I rose above the depression that tried to hold me down.You see, God is my Father. And because I belong to Deity, the one thing I am not is worthless.I am His Child filled with His power, His Spirit and His Ability.I am created for good works in Jesus Christ.That means I am created to do some good things.And so are you.Ephesians 2:10 (King James Version of the Bible) "For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus, unto good works, which God had before ordained that we should walk in them."You are created to do good things. You are created to accomplish awesome things.Affirm this Word from Your Father, Jehovah God, over and over until it forms an inner image of success and victory on the inside of you.Let it wash away those destructive thoughts of worthlessness.God's Word in your heart, changing and shaping your mind in the light of His Truth, will change you.Change your mind through the power of meditation, and change your life.

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