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Increase Your Psychic Ability With The Pendulum

By Olivia Rostigus

Don't let the title turn you off. I am actually referring to the major psychic center in our body. There are seven grades of psychic energy. Usually the lower grades, the ones closer to physical energy, are the first to be tapped and drawn on for our individual purposes. The more we use our Chakras and their energy the stronger they become. At that point this always increasing efficiency continues to increase in power and make it available for our use.

Now enters a huge problem. Thought creates energy sometimes referred to as psychic energy. Period. Now that we have all this psychic energy what should we do with it? Nature is the fulcrum which maintains balance in our world. At this point converting our low-grade energy to high-grade energy we are now attempting to become more balanced.

To get back into physical and mental balance is the key to balancing the light that comes from within. In order to do this, one must pay attention to that area of the body or mind that is lacking. If you are depressed, your heart area may need some loving kindness. In this case, spending time each day doing something that makes you feel good is giving this area exercise in feeling good again and healing begins to take place.

It is well known that some people who do psychic readings often feel an energy drain when they are done. Basically, they are giving their energy away and their psychic ability is weakened. For anyone who experiences lack-luster after activity like this it is important to get yourself doing something that you really love to do that relaxes the mind and body. Releasing negative energy can be as easy as talking a walk or listening to some of your favorite music.

We have all felt depleted, especially after being around someone who is negative or has a lots of problems. Some of us soak up that negative energy like a sponge and must do something to counter-act it. Doing some fun filled activity is the counter-measure to ridding yourself of negative vibrations. The following is one way to achieve just that balance you have lost.

1. Learning how to use a pendulum isn't hard and takes a couple minutes to put one together. All you really need is a fairly heavy object that has a little weight to it. Things like rings or crystals work well, but small stone will do the trick. Tie your object to a fishing line or even a piece of thread roughly a foot long.

2. Put your elbow (bend the arm, for you with a scientific bent) on a desk or table. Suspend the pendulum over the surface. Let the pendulum swing until it stops completely. Once it is perfectly still (my fellow physicists will know perfect stillness is not possible), say verbally or mentally; "SWING"! Use a tone of voice as though you are teaching a puppy to "HEEL!"

3. Fill a soup bowl with water. Put this on your table. Wait until the water is still. Command it to RIPPLE in a commanding voice. Just remember, you only get better through practice.

4. You can also use anything that is cylindrical like a pen with no clip and ask it to move when seeking answers.

These four exercises will get you up and running faster than you can believe. Practice these exercises daily for a month. I suggest you do these four easy exercises alone at your dining table or desk. Do not have the radio, TV, or CD's playing. Any outside noise will greatly inhibit your growth.

Practicing the things above on a regular basis is the key to improving your psychic energy levels. It takes energy to make energy and so it only stands to reason that the more you use it your power increases, or as it is often referred to as your psychic ability. Even though you may have been born with lots of this type of energy within you, it is important to focus on it to bring it into your consciousness so that you will be able to use it at will.

Your psychic abilities and increasing power should become apparent at the end of daily practice during your first two weeks. However, should you start showing off your new talents or acting as though you alone created them, you will see these powers rapidly decrease. Then you'll have to start over from the beginning.

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A Tummy Tuck Procedure Can Improve One

By Andrew Moore

Many people may have heard of a type of cosmetic surgery referred to as a tummy tuck. The latter is something that a person may seek a variety of reasons. One may have stubborn pockets of fat for which other remedies have failed, or a woman who has had multiple pregnancies may wish to strengthen her abdominal muscle elasticity. Regardless of why one schedules such a procedure, a well-defined, firmer stomach is usually the end result.

Abdominoplasty is another term for the aforementioned surgery, the objective of which is to tighten the muscles and skin of the abdominal region. In many cases, it is necessary to remove areas of overstretched skin. The surgery is considered major, and therefore takes approximately 3-5 hours to complete.

The procedure is always completed under general anesthesia. Recovery time varies from one individual to the next. However, it usually takes about thirty days for one to recover completely from the surgery.

There are two ways the procedure can be performed. One can opt for a full procedure, during which an incision is made at his or her waistline, as well as just above the pubic area. The muscles and skin are then stretched toward the person's bellybutton, where they are closed with sutures.

The excess skin and fat are removed, following the reposition of the patient's bellybutton. The end result of the surgery includes tighter muscles, firmer skin, and a narrower waist. Most people are happy with the outcome of a full procedure.

Another alternative patients may wish to give thought to is a partial tummy tuck. It is not as complex as a full procedure, but it typically only affects the area below one's bellybutton. This procedure usually involves liposuction as well, and requires just one incision. Cosmetic surgery is not appropriate for all individuals. Therefore, those who are interested in such procedures should carefully consider all the pros and cons prior to finalizing their plans.

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