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Proven Creative Visualization Techniques To Get Anything You Want

By Marguerite K. Soto

Creative visualization is a valuable tool to create change in our lives... solve problems... and attract whatever we can imagine. Everything begins as a thought. Visualization adds energy and power to those thoughts, creating a mental mold of the results we wish to experience in our reality.

By definition creative visualization is the art or practice of attempting to affect the outer world of circumstances by changing one's thoughts. However there is much more to it than that. Creative visualization has been practiced for centuries in all cultures and religions. But it owes its initial popularity due to the world of sports. There was a well-known study performed by Russian scientists that compared the mental and physical training ratios of Olympic athletes. It was discovered that the group of Olympic athletes that received 75% mental training with 25% physical training outperformed the other subject groups that received lower ratios of mental training. Now we come to the million dollar question, how do you actually implement this is in your own life?

Imagine And Visualize The Goal.It helps to think about the goal you have. Imagine the specifications of the goal. Make notes about it. Find out more about its different aspects. Visualize it. Make pictures of it on your walls and in your mind.Make a good plan that will help you get what you want. Think of possible ways to get it. A goal needs good planning in order to achieve it.

Action Will Get You What You Want.Once you finish planning what you need to do, do it. Take the necessary steps to achieve your goal. Step-by-step, little-by-little, achieve what you want. Positive thinking will help get you what you want. If you think positively, you will infuse positivity in all the steps you need to do.Persevere until you reach the goal. There will be many setbacks and many things that will try to stop you in that specific undertaking. However, if you have the ability to push on in spite of all the trials, you will have your dream come true.

Rewrite and refine. Once you've got it down, it's time to shape your description into something closer to exactly what it is you want. This creative visualization technique is like taking a rough idea of what you want to say in a letter-to-the-editor and then converting it into a polished piece that's ready to mail. Refine your goal into a powerful paragraph that describes exactly what it is you want.

Let's endeavor to answer all of these - albeit in a brief article! I'll leave the issue of doing creative visualization "well" until the end because, of course, that's a subjective judgment. The more important issue at this stage is whether you can do it at all. I've heard so many people say that they cannot visualise. I'm always struck by the slight irony of this, because in order to make such a statement the person has to imagine, (that is picture themselves), not visualizing! However, that is not to make light of the complaint because anyone saying such a thing genuinely feels that to be their truth.

Make a concrete visualization of that dream house in your mind. If possible, think of it regularly. You can make designs or picture drawings of that goal in mind. You can cut out pictures of it and place them someplace where you can see it each day - on your bedroom wall, on your refrigerator door, in your wallet.

You couldn't even make a cup of coffee without imagining the steps involved in heating the water, adding the coffee grounds to the cup and so on. Not only that, but you wouldn't want the coffee in the first place unless you could imagine the taste and the feeling that seems, in that very moment, would be satisfied only by a cup of coffee! If thirst was the only problem, a glass of water would do much better!

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Success In Life And How To Achieve It

By Danae A. Strub

First things first. What is YOUR definition of "success"? What determines whether or not someone is successful in your eyes? For some people it is having a lot of money, for others it may be having the time freedom to play golf once a week, and for others it may be raising their children to be "good people" or having a large group of close friends. For every one of us, there is a different definition of what success is for others, and what success is for ourselves in our own lives. The more important of the two is how we measure success for ourselves, not for others. In order to have success in our own lives we must first define, within ourselves, what it IS to be successful and then set our hearts and minds on achieving it. The basic foundation to attaining success is setting goals and when you achieve those goals, you have success.

The goals that we set for ourselves can come in all shapes and sizes. Some may seem small and some may seem outrageously ambitious in the eyes and minds of others. Whatever the size of the goal or whatever the goal is, when we accomplish it, it will equate to success no matter how big or small. If you feel that making tiny little steps is more of your nature, then set small goals for yourself in your life. A bucket full of small incremental successes is just as valid as reaching a long-term goal in larger steps. As a matter of fact, every long-term goal requires smaller short-term goals for them to ultimately come to fruition. That's just the way it works. We've all heard of the concept of the "overnight success", right?

Take Proactive Action - What do you hope to achieve and accomplish personally and professionally? Rather than continuing to think about it, begin to take action. Devise a plan of action that will result in achieving success in the chosen areas of your life. Focus on taking small, implementable steps rather than making large, dramatic changes. Track your progress and make adjustments as needed. In time, you will see positive changes in the areas of your life that you have chosen to place emphasis on. Once you achieve success in one area, choose another and repeat the process.Success in life doesn't just happen; it requires dedication and focus. If you have ever wondered, "How can I get success in life," implement the tips outlined above to begin to see and experience positive changes within your life.Everybody wants to succeed in life and get a load of all the things that makes life worthy to live. To succeed in life you need more than just determination, you would need as much motivation that you can get from either the people around you or the things that you usually do.

Be it far from me to suggest that prayer does not work. But remember, the verse I quoted is from the Word of God. He is the one who says that lazy hands make a man or woman poor. All the praying in the world won't compensate for laziness.

Follow your dreams and build your foundations. You have dreams and these dreams are significant of what you want to accomplish in the near future. If you already have set up your goals, then you can definitely picture what your future is, now you need to build foundations, and these foundations should be strong enough to keep you going with no hesitations.Get out from your comfort zone. Those who aim to achieve the best of what they can be, should get out from their comfort zone. Whereas, to succeed in life you need to improve and grow, you would not be able to do this while you are in that crib. Get my point?

Some people are amazingly nave about life. They seem to think that success in life is happenstance. But this is an extremely competitive world in which we live. Even finding your so-called dream job these days is much harder than it used to be. Regardless of your aspirations, however, you can become a success in life. It's called being diligent: doing what's required to gain the competitive edge; never giving up; refusing to accept defeat; living a life of integrity.

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