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Bob Proctor - A Self-Help Professional

By Katie J. Brooks

Born in 1935 as the middle child of a modest family in northern Ontario, Canada, Robert Proctor was not an outstanding youth. Born into a worldwide depression that only gave way for a Second World War, Bob (like many of his peers) just wasn't interested in school. As a result, he didn't do very well, eventually dropping out after just a few months of high school.Even in the 1950s there were few lucrative career choices for high-school dropouts, so he soon joined the Canadian Navy for a four-year stint. After a mostly uneventful stint, he came home to Ontario, settling down in Toronto to work as a fire fighter. He has since described himself during this period as being "broke, sick and miserable." So, when his friend Ray Stanford gave him a copy of Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill, he was ready for a change.

Bob Proctor teaches us that wealth creation is about so much more than creating wealth. It is about enriching our lives in every possible way. By taking the time to put his ideas into practice, it is possible to see great change and power occur on a fundamental level. He is one of the many great teachers of 'The Secret' along with Michael Beckwith and Jack Canfield. The teachings they espouse originate from the 'Law of Attraction' which essentially states that 'like unto itself is drawn' or 'like attracts like.' This teaches us that since our thoughts also respond to like energy, we will attract the subject of our thoughts to us if we continue to think the same things and become emotionally invested in those thoughts, then that is what we create.These concepts may not be new as many people are becoming aware of the truths that govern their daily lives. In fact on close inspection we can see how our focus directs our lives. When we decide on a new house and focus on it by holding the mental image in our mind, eventually we begin to take inspired action towards the realization of that vision. The program works by reminding us how to use what we already know to add wealth and beauty to our lives.

Bob was ready to learn more and he devoured all the books he could come across on the subject, many from the 19th century such as those by the proponents of the New Thought Movement. He continued to study and found a mentor in Earl Nightingale, creator of the gold record winning "The Strangest Secret," and voice of over 7,000 motivational radio broadcasts.A pioneer of the self-help movement that sprung up in the 1970s, Earl taught sales forces and housewives alike that "You become what you think," since it occurred to him "like a bolt out of the blue," while preparing an inspirational talk for insurance salesmen in 1958. Bob went to work with him as a content salesperson in Chicago, Illinois, and soon became Earl's right hand man.

In the mid 1970's Proctor decided to begin his career as a life-coach and continues, 30 years later, in that capacity. In the ensuing years, Bob has taught executives at scores of companies such as Prudential and Metropolitan Life as well as Malaysian Airlines.He continued to seek new material to explain why some people were successful and some were not. Dr. C. Harry Roder of San Antonio's Concept Therapy Institute, Eric Hoffer of The True Believer fame and Leland Von Syring are among those Bob made the acquaintance of during his travels to work with corporate clients. They gave Bob indispensable advice that he's incorporated into his programs and seminars. Any time he noticed his life was going along much more smoothly than before, he sought out the nugget of wisdom and investigated it. The resulting program is, in essence, his life's work.

Today, Bob Proctor presides over seminars worldwide and disseminates his message though several media companies he steers. Coaching Consulting Program is offered along with materials designed to educate users on human motivations that do or don't lead to success. He continues to offer a twelve-month coaching program through his website that promises to be a rigorous and intensive series materials and conference calls. He has written numerous books on the topics of getting what you want out of life and fulfilling goals since the 1960s including The Success Puzzle, The Winner's Image, The Goal Achiever and his highly influential and best-selling, You Were Born Rich. Most recently he's been featured on the phenomenally successful movie The Gift, as an interviewee and philosopher. With other experts from the film Bob has been conducting seminars to teach people how to use the power of thought to propel themselves into the powerful people they can become. Bob claims to be spry as ever, in his early 70s, expressing sincere gratitude for his good fortune and abundance every day. He remains committed to the teaching of his system for attaining personal satisfaction.

Bob Proctor together with Mary Morrissey created the 11 Forgotten Laws to fill-in the missing components of the conventional understanding of the Law of Attraction. These 11 laws expand on the Law of Attraction to achieve its great effects. The 11 laws are the principles that formed the whole universe and do not work individually but together as one. To understand the Law of Attraction is to understand the whole 11 laws that formed the universe.The Law of Attraction is just one of the 11 laws of the universe. The 10 others are the law of thinking, supply, receiving, increase, compensation, non-resistance, forgiveness, sacrifice, obedience, and success. People who fail to understand these laws will find themselves unsuccessful in tapping the powers of the Law of Attraction.Bob Proctor has been continuing his mission of teaching people the power of the Law of Attraction for over 40 years now. The key to more wealth, good health, or lasting relationship is through positive thinking and action.Bob Proctor is a famous author, counselor, speaker, entrepreneur, business consultant, and teacher teaching the people the ways to maximize the human potential, self-motivation, and positive thinking.

The Law of Success and the other 11 Forgotten Laws do not belong to Bob Proctor of course. They are Universal Laws of Life that are available for all of us. But Bob has been studying and teaching his understanding of the Law of Success for many years; so when talking about the 11 Forgotten Laws the presentation here is rightly called the Bob Proctor Law of Success because of his particular expertise.The underlying foundation of the Bob Proctor Law of Success presented in the 11 Forgotten Laws, is that the intention of the Universe is that everyone be set up to succeed. Bob and Mary Morrissey teach that it is God's purpose that we express all we are, and it is God's will that humankind should use and enjoy every good in the Universe.

Emmett Fox says much the same thing in his writing. He has written that most people think of God's will as being negative, such as a death or sickness. Emmett Fox agrees with what is said in the Bob Proctor Law of Success when he says the Truth is that God's will for us is joy, abundance, success, happiness, love, peace and poise.From the study of all of the 11 Forgotten Laws we know that the right mental attitude and the quality of our thoughts are important. We are taught to attain and keep an attitude of Success. But these attitudes must be incorporated deeply, even down to the level of every cell of our being.

How does this apply to your life? What can you learn from the section you just read? Does what you have read cause you to think about other ways or ideas of doing things? Think about the actions suggested by the book and how you can apply them to your life.The premise that we are all born rich as is outlined in the title of the book was initially difficult to believe. After reading the book I believe that the author has fulfilled the promise of the title "You Were Born Rich". We are all born with the ability to become rich and each person will have a different definition of what rich is to them. If you study this book, not just read it but study it, you will discover that you were born rich. I firmly believe that if you follow the guidance in this book you will become rich, physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually. I know that my life has improved in all these areas since I first read this book.

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Credit Health: How To Improve My Credit Score Fast

By Michael D. Nolting

If you have poor credit and want to do something about it, it's usually just a simple matter of following a specific step-by-step procedure that will ensure a relatively quick and hassle-free improvement in your credit score (also known as your FICO score). But it is important to have a plan in place and not just get your current credit report and start making phone calls to the companies that have reported derogatory entries on your report. Here's a simple checklist for how to improve credit score:

Request your free copy of your current credit report. Federal law mandates that every person is entitled to one free copy of their report from each of the three major FICO reporting agencies each year. Everyone should take advantage of this and stay current with all of the items on your FICO report. This way you can be proactive and quickly remove any inaccuracies (which occur more often than you might think).Get a credit repair guide and read through it to get an overview of the process of repairing your FICO score. There are several guides available, and one in particular called "Credit Secrets Bible" is the most popular one. It is written by an expert in the credit repair business. It gives you step-by-step instructions for how to go about analyzing your report and expediting improvements in your score.

Sit down and look at your credit report and take note of anything that looks odd or incorrect. Once you have these identified, try to find any supporting documentation to back up the allegations of your findings. Then, you will want to sit down and draft a letter asking the credit reporting bureau to verify the items you found. The credit bureau must investigate the questionable areas that you found. They may have to contact the creditor and if the creditor cannot back up the finding then it must be removed.

Reduce your outstanding debt. This doesn't mean to move the debt to lower interest credit cards; it means to reduce, or payoff, existing revolving credit accounts.Reactivate an old card to enhance your card history. Credit history, or how long you have been using credit accounts, plays a role in the overall credit score. If you have an old, open account with no activity, chances are that the creditor is not reporting any information to the credit bureaus. The longer you have been using credit responsibly, the more worthy you will seem.

Use more than one type of credit account. A combination of installment loans (car payments) and revolving credit accounts show your ability to manage different types of credit.stop applying for loans. New credit inquiries (hard pulls) can have an impact on your credit score. A hard pull is when a potential creditor evaluates your credit report for a loan and, in some cases, a savings account. Hard pulls remain on your credit report and can lower your credit score five points for up to six months, according to Soft pulls do not affect your credit score; card solicitations and some mortgage loan pre-approvals are examples of soft inquiries. Get a Free Copy of Your Credit Report

If you are someone who is faced with a bad credit and find yourself unable to be considered credit worthy, it is time you repair your bad credit. A bad credit rating can affect the possibility of having a good life as it can mar the quality of your life and finances. A bad credit will be responsible for your inability to avail of loans, a house, credit cards and even a good job. If you are at a place where you are worried about your credit rating, do read this article. It will give you tips on improving your credit score.

Dispute Errors - Learn the details about how to dispute any errors found in your credit report. make sure you take the time to find out what you need to do to dispute these errors so you can take the action needed. See the bottom of this article for more details about how to dispute erroneous items on your credit report.

Commit to a Life Change - One thing to keep in mind if you are serious about improving your credit score is the need to make a life change. You must accept that you are not just taking a few steps to improve one aspect of your life but you should be focused on making a complete life change. one way or another you must accept your responsibility in they turn your life has taken to put you in the place where you have poor credit.

Here are some pieces of advice on how to improve credit score fast: (1) you must not spend on non-essential things in order to pay debts, as living beyond one's means will just aggravate the situation; (2) you must make a budget for your monthly expenses, taking into consideration all the debts and loans you must pay; (3) you must adhere to the monthly budget you've set for yourself; and (4) you must check your report on a regular basis to familiarize yourself on how you are doing in terms of your credit standing; this can also help you determine if you have been a victim of identity theft. Victims of identity theft have their score drastically diminished by the perpetrator and they only discover that they have been victimized after knowing that their score has dropped even when they have been following every other advise on how to improve credit score fast.

Set Payment Reminders - Many banking institutions will have a system that will allow you to create payment reminders that can be sent to you via phone, text or email to help remind you to make your payments when they are due. Take advantage of this and remember the personal discipline part of your new life as well. Make sure you make all payments on time and this often means you make them early. This will help you restructure your life to see great changes.

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