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Using Daily Affirmations

By Joshua B. White

Did you know that you can positively change your life by using daily affirmations? Many people know that they would like to see positive changes in their life, but do not know what to do in order to bring about those changes. Affirmations are one of the simplest and most powerful ways to bring about change.

To truly understand how positive affirmations can make a difference in your life, you must first understand the subconscious mind. The truth is, you're not trying to convince your conscious mind of anything at all. What you're really trying to do is reprogram your subconscious mind.Sometimes it's a little difficult to appreciate the true power of the subconscious mind. To put it simply, this is the part of your mind that processes your thoughts when you're not even aware of it. Have you ever struggled to solve a problem or situation, only to have a spark of inspiration when you least expected it? This is actually your subconscious mind at work. It is the part of your mind that continues to function long after your conscious mind has moved on to other things.

Have you ever had a strange feeling in your gut that you just couldn't put into words? Or an uneasy feeling that something just is not right? This is your subconscious mind at work picking up on clues that your conscious mind didn't even notice. Many people have been able to save their lives by listening to their subconscious mind.Your subconscious mind is always at work picking up new information and comparing it with what it already knows. It subconsciously plays these messages back to you, which in turn can have a huge effect on your behavior. It's your behavior that can have a big impact on the people around you and it also directly affects what you get out of life.

What about the real estate salesman who wakes in the morning, stares himself in the mirror and affirms "I have the inner strength to make this sale today"? He affirms it again and again until it is ingrained in his subconscious and his lips murmur it while he brushes his teeth... While he drives to work... He's like an automaton, trance like as he operates the car.

Two things are noteworthy. Firstly, these phrases are short and have a context of relevance to the participant. Secondly, they are repeated in such a way and with such regularity that their incantation becomes an almost mindless (and I mean that in the most positive way!) act. It's not so much the content of the words that matters so much as their emotional relevance and their sound.Find some time to repeat some positive statements that have meaning to you each day and see how your mood changes.Make it relevant,Make it short,Repeat it regularly for a set amount of time each day,Make it automatic.

In order for your daily positive affirmations to be effective you must inject true emotions into them. Merely mindlessly repeating a phrase to your-self over and over does you no good if you don't feel it. Try using words of emotion like " happily,joyously,confidently,unstoppable,bold,relaxed,calm,etc. These will help you generate real emotion.

The use of positive daily affirmations to help with the Law of Attraction works best when you keep in mind 3 simple tips. The first main tip to keep in mind can be summed up with the word repetition. When stating your affirmations, the best time to say them is in the morning shortly after waking up and at night before going to bed. Some people will even go so far as to post notes around their house so they are constantly reminded of them. This repetition will help you focus your energies on what you want to attract. The more you repeat your positive daily affirmations to your self, the more your energies will become focused on them.

Another one-word tip for positive daily affirmations is emotions. Pour your emotions into your affirmations so that they become more than just a statement. It is hard to really focus on something that is nothing more than just words. In order to get the most out of your affirmations, you should visualize what your statement represents. Pour as much emotion as you can into them, so that it is easier to know what you should be feeling when you achieve your goals. This will make your statements become something real and almost tangible as opposed to nothing more than empty words. Your positive daily affirmations should then become almost a part of you.

Use pictures whenever possible because this will make it much easier to change your way of thinking to be positive. By repeating the affirmations to yourself and seeing a picture at the same time, your subconscious mind will have a much easier time of believing it is true in your physical world. Now that you know how to use daily affirmations to achieve the complete happiness you want; all that is left is to get started using them. Just remember that it will take time for them to start working, but once they do you will be amazed at how many things in your life you can change so that you have complete happiness in all areas of your life.

First you must decide on a specific goal or outcome you wish to achieve. Do you want to loose weight, stop procrastination or control your temper? Whatever it is that you want to do, you must state it in the positive. You must focus on what you want not on what you don't want. Keep your affirmation in the present tense. Futurist statements focus on what will happen someday. Some days never come. "I will lose weight one day" will keep you looking to the future. A great way to stay focused on the present is to begin your affirmations with "I AM..." Try this,"I am happily achieving my weight loss goals." notice the word happily? That puts some emotion into it which makes the affirmation more powerful.

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Home Remedy For Panic Attacks

By Bo Yao

So maybe you feel the thought of taking manufactured drugs for panic attacks is just scary. Even though the medical community says they are safe and that you will be helped by them, it just seems like the first thing any physician wants to do is to drug you up with the latest pharmaceutical concoction. Then a few years later you start hearing about all the nasty side-effects that they hadn't noticed in the original studies. No. You're not into being the medical community's guinea pig. Instead of taking some laboratory manufactured drug, why not look for ways to use your body's own natural remedies for panic attacks. So here are some natural remedies for panic attacks:

Grape juice? Seriously? Is that same grape juice that your mother would never let you drink on the carpet considered to be one of the most effective remedies for panic attacks? Oddly, the answer is, "Yes."Grape juice is believed to prevent heart palpitations, which can be one of the more disconcerting symptoms of panic attacks. For greatest benefit, grape juice should be consumed on a daily basis.Tropical Remedy.Ripe guava is believed to prevent heart palpitations and ease anxiety. Maybe that explains why the castaways of "Gilligan's Island" didn't have panic attacks when the headhunters showed up on the island.Note: Guava juice is typically diluted with other juices and is not believed to be an effective home remedy.

And it's Good for a Cough, Too.Honey and lemon juice is another one of the old home remedies. Juice half a lemon and mix it with a heaping tablespoon of honey and a glass of water. Taken at bedtime, this is believed to have a calming effect and prevent nighttime heart palpitations.Rock-a-bye.Do your best to get an adequate amount of sleep. There's a reason your mother never liked being around you after you had been at a slumber party. Lack of sleep can make everything feel worse and it can make you moody. It can also trigger feelings of anxiety.

Taking in supplements.Another home remedy for panic attacks is to take in supplements such as Vitamin B. In fact, many sufferers are Vitamin B deficient. Vitamin B deficiency symptoms include anxiety,fatigue, emotional instability, irritability and restlessness which cause panic attacks.Taking in such supplement alleviates the symptoms and prevents anxiety attacks. Not only that, it also lessens stress and promotes proper nerve function. Besides vitamin B, B6, calcium and magnesium should also be taken on a regular basis. Make sure that this is combined with proper diet and exercises as stated above.

If the idea of giving up your caffeine makes you scream, "My precious," while feeling like Gollum from The Lord of the Rings, at least try cutting back on your caffeine intake.To cure your worries, the answers you need to look for the right medications and home remedies for Panic Attacks. Just what exactly is a panic attack? Does it also come with a panic button when you feel you are about to have one? More and more people are getting their own dose of panic attacks. Blame it on the fear of what the future may bring.

Although some have found that prescription medicines may assist with eliminating panic attacks, many others have found that the risks of side affects are not worth it for them. Therefore, they try herbal remedies such as valerian, chamomile, passion flower, California poppy, lemon balm, or kava kava. The effects of natural remedies vary widely.Keep in mind, that when using natural remedies for panic attacks some people can relax with, say for instance, a small cup of chamomile tea, someone else may need a much more potent herb, or even a combination of several to get the right mix that neither over or under sedates them.

Homeopathy.Homeopathic remedies are additional natural remedies for panic attacks, and they use dilutions of some herb or flower essence. They are another resource to try. For example Bach Flower Remedies, a variety of homeopathic solutions created from flower essences includes one specific remedy called the Rescue Remedy.The rescue remedy is create specifically for those in the midst of trauma and any type of anxiety type of experience.Other remedies (unrelated to Bach Flower Remedies) include "Kali phos 6x" which is a nerve tonic. It is said to be helpful in the case of a rundown nervous system due to worry or excitement.

Alternative Therapies.There is a reason that ancient wisdom is ancient! Be open to Eastern healing techniques, as many of them are perfectly suited for calming the whole being. If the idea of acupuncture is too scary, consider a system of tapping on the various meridian points - as in Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT). This system has allowed thousands of people to not only move toward managing panic attacks, but to actually eliminating them for good. The best thing about this system is that it can be done in 5 or 10 minutes, and you can learn to do it for free.Change of Mind.Believe it or not the power of our thoughts, beliefs, and ideas play a major role in our life experiences. In addition to the powerful mental benefits of meditation and EFT on clearing, healing and relaxing the mind, other systems like "The Work" by Byron Katie, and hypnosis techniques can also have a powerful impact on managing panic attacks and creating a peaceful world within.While Byron Katie's Work, allows you to release stressful thoughts without having to experience trauma, hypnosis allows you to gently relax into a state of being that helps you to receive a more desirable thought suggestion.Because everyone is different, not only will some ideas for managing panic attacks work better, or more quickly for some, different folks will gravitate towards different solutions.The great thing about it is, you deserve to be peaceful, calm, and vibrant. By focusing on this truth, the right direction will at some point be found.

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