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How To Change Your Life In Just 30 Minutes A Day

By Antje Govers

To change your life now and attract good luck, there two critical things you must do.The first is to be crystal clear on what you want. Most people don't even know what they want, which makes is difficult to change your life to get what you want. But I will talk about how to get clear on what you want in another article. Today, I going to focus on how to attract good luck into your life through taking control of what you fill your mind with.

Anyone who is successful or is on a path that fulfills them, actively fills them mind with positive input. Guaranteed.There is magic and positivity all around us and if you pay attention you can learn how to focus on it and see it is everywhere. People aren't lucky or unlucky, they simply attract what they think or believe they will get.One way to start attracting good luck into your life is by noticing the crazy stuff that happens to you daily and you will see it actually happens all the time. It's like when you buy a new pair of shoes and suddenly you see that same make all over town. Or you name your child something you think is unique suddenly you meet people by that name all over.

Before you start this plan, you need to decide first what it is you really want. Is it a slimmer body, more money, better relationships? Then write down your goal and be as specific as possible. There are only three major areas of your life where you need to work anyway: finances, health, and relationships. Pick one of those areas, set a goal, and then get to work.Once you have a specific goal in mind, and you know exactly what you want to accomplish, then choose the tools you need to help you reach your goals. Keep it simple. If you try to do too much at one time, you will only get overwhelmed, and you won't do anything.

Read motivational material.The easiest way to change the way you think is to read something else. If you spend all your time reading about politics, news, or anything like that, you're bound to be more negative. Something as simple as watching the news before you go to bed can give you a negative attitude. The reason is that your subconscious mind is most accessible right before you go to bed, and right when you get up in the morning. That's why, when you're trying to change, use one of these two times to do it.

Pay attention only to the things that will help you in your mission in life. We all have a limited attention span and can not be good at everything, but if we are clear on what we want and pay attention to staying on that path, we can change our life and move forward in the direction that is fulfilling. Good luck is all around us.Today, we are bombarded with information and if you waste your creative energy trying to keep up with it all, you will simply get stuck in the same rut your are in, making changing your life very difficult. There is very little we can control but how we think is in our control and what we actively do daily to improve our thoughts is as well.

For the next 30 days, turn off the TV and other negative media in your house and instead, fill your mind with positive personal growth and development information, and on taking action towards your own personal life plan. This is not only the best way to change your life, but also a way to be happier with yourself in general and to free yourself from the overwhelm you may be feeling in life and business.

Change starts in the mind. Then you have to take action. Use this simple plan to help you reach your dreams and get the life you deserve.Simple but powerful mindfulness exercises bring us a wide range of benefits. You don't have to sit in lotus position or become a Buddhist. Interest in mindfulness coming out of scientific research is making it mainstream.If I were to tell you that you can learn to release yourself from stress, improve your well being, increase your emotional intelligence, make better decisions and be happier and more successful just by sitting on your butt and watching your breath for a few minutes each day, would you be persuaded? Probably not. If you think about it, that's strange because you probably do sit on your butt for much of the day and you never stop breathing. So what's the problem? First of all we have to have some kind of understanding why it works and second, if you try it, maybe you'll find why it's not such and easy thing to do. Just sit on a chair, upright, and count each breath. How many breaths can you count before you get distracted and forget to count? Do you forget how many breaths you've counted? Just try it.So, like learning to do a lot of things it's difficult at first. Our minds just want to get out there and do stuff. So how does training our attention to follow the breath do so much good?

The question is now: So, do I have to reinvent myself after all this time? The answer, yes...and no. With the job market bordering on chaos, and the collapse of both the industrial age as well as a good part of the information age, the reinvention of potentially our entire persona does become a consideration for some. At first glance, that statement can look completely overwhelming. But here's the trick.The process of how to change your life probably will involve some sort of change or reinvention of yourself, but not from the perspective of a total revamp. Consider the following:

Researchers have found that mindfulness has a number of effects on the brain. When we focus our attention on anything, this tends to reduce the amount of thinking going on. Then the mind and the body calm a little and we get the opportunity to begin to see our patterns of thinking and feeling. After a little practice we begin to be able to uncouple our thinking from feeding back onto the way we feel. This happens as we get into the habit of paying more attention to what's going on for us in the present moment. We begin to feel things more. We're more aware of what's actually going on for us. We're better able to take a step back from situations rather than get carried away by our habits of thought. This help us to be less reactive and take things more lightly. We're able to let go of unhelpful thinking and behavior and follow a more useful course of action.

This can have a profound effect on all kinds of different areas of our life because so many of our problems result from the way we get trapped in patterns of thinking and behavior. Developing a regular practice of mindfulness exercises helps us to see the patterns that drive us more clearly and enables us to pay more attention to what is actually going on for us. This makes changing things much easier. We're not using our will power to change the way we behave; with mindfulness we can discover what it is we really want to do and do it naturally. Mindfulness exercises help us to really get to know ourselves better, as if we were an old friend and that makes it much easier to do what's in our own best interests without being self critical.

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The Law Of Attraction

By Kay Rozenberg

Success in a relationship is not a matter of chance. People live a happy life because they decided for it, and not because someone or something did it for them. Winning the heart of the person you want in your life may take time, but is never impossible. The universal laws of attraction can bring about such a positive outlook in life provided that you keep an open mind. It is said to have changed a lot of lives for the better, and there are ways to make it work for you too.

As outlined in The Secret, the law of attraction essentially decrees that 'like attracts like'. More specifically, this means that your mindset, thoughts and feelings establish your reality and influence the events that you experience in your life. For example, someone who thinks optimistically will attract positive energy, drawing positive things into their life that is in harmony with them. On the other hand, a pessimistic thinker attracts negative things, as their negative thoughts generating bad results.

In this way, the law of attraction is always moving in a tide of motion, with an individual dictating their reality through their internal thoughts. Learning how to use the law of attraction and how to apply this secret to achieve a more positive reality has enabled many people to achieve success. We see various ordinary people who breakthroughs and achieve great success. You too can discover how to apply the secret of law of attraction to ultimately improve the circumstances of your life and to achieve the success that you dream about.

In order to successfully control your life circumstances using the law of attraction, there are three phases that you must undergo. The first phase is you must know what you want to achieve. Knowing exactly what you want and ask for it. In other words, you must focus on what you want, rather than on what you don't want. All the successful people throughout history have had one characteristic inherent within them that is they are clear with what they want to achieve. They have great drive and passion to pursue their dreams. As a result, they thrive and succeed in their endeavours.

Feel good about yourself. If you feel good, you look good. We are all beautiful in our own way. If you do not see your own worth, neither will other people. Feeling good about yourself allows you to do your best and be cool around people. Shyness is justifiable, but insecurity begets negative impressions. Keep a positive attitude. An optimistic attitude helps keep the love intact. But if you always think that the relationship will not last long, sooner or later this is what will happen. The same goes if you are still looking for someone to love. If you do not trust that you can find one, then you wont.Many scientists and theorists from across the globe have come to the conclusion that everything is regulated and governed by a set of universal laws such as the law of cause and effect and the law of gravity.

These laws are set in stone so to speak and cannot be changed or altered in anyway, they apply to everyone and everything and are always at work whether we are aware of it or not.Among these universal laws is the law of attraction which states that we can attract that which we desire into our lives through the power of our thoughts and quite literally become the masters of our own destiny, or as Napolean Hill once quoted the "the captains of our souls".In essence the law of attraction attracts to you that which you desire most and that which you focus your thoughts on most.Everything going in your life whether it be relationships, financial status, well-being e.t.c is a direct reflection of your accustomed way of thinking and the nature of your thoughts.

In utilizing the law of attraction, you have the choice and consciously choose to think positively or negatively. If you remain positive you will attract good situations, but if you are negative you will attract despair. By being in positive state and ready to receive, you will automatically behave and act to change your environment to correspond to your desires. As outlined in the Secret, such law of attraction techniques will assist you in communicating positive vibrations to the universe. Above all, never ever give up trying to incorporate the law of attraction into your life to your advantage, and your circumstances will respond to you with your persistence.

Law of Attraction History.Many people associate the law of attraction with new age movements and similar practices, unfortunately modern media and uneducated bloggers and such like haven't helped matters! It's important to understand that the law of attraction was referenced long before any new age movement and even before western civilization had even gotten wind of any of the universal laws.To the best of my knowledge and knowledge of others it is said that the Buddha had been the first to really introduce mankind to the underlying principles of the law of attraction, although never directly referred to as such.Buddha stated that "what you've become is what you've thought", a statement and notion that the eastern civilization had understood and acknowledged centuries before the western civilization had even heard of it, let alone really understood or practiced it.

So what is the Law of Attraction. The best definition I have come across to this date is this: You attract into your life the things, circumstances, and conditions that correspond to the nature of your dominant and habitual thoughts and beliefs in both your conscious and subconscious mind.To consciously experience anything in your life you must really, really desire it - in fact another way of saying it would be that you "need it" Need I believe is stronger than desire. When you need something there is a "purpose" for it. When it has a big enough purpose it becomes a necessity.

You must learn to bring the energy of your thoughts from the conscious mind into the subconscious mind. This is why the need or purpose needs to be so strong. Once there, the subconscious take it and runs with it manifesting itself in the body where action takes place and causes our results.Another way of stating this is called Creative Visualization. It is the basic technique that you positively and effectively reprogram your subconscious mind and attract more things and circumstances that you constantly choose.Study the Laws of the Universe (perpetual transmutation, relativity, vibration, polarity, rhythm, cause and effect, and gender). I used them in my articles on public speaking. The Law of Attraction is manifest through the Laws of the Universe.

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