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How To Get Better Grades - Motivate Me To Study

By Lachlan Haynes

Lack of motivation is the most common reason that things don't get done. If you've ever lacked the motivation to do something you know the feeling I'm talking about. The loss of interest, the tiredness, the boredom - it's all related to the feeling that you have "no motivation". But worse still is the feeling that you also don't know what to do about it. But there's no need to fret, it happens to everyone at some point!

Whilst a lack of motivation may not be your biggest challenge personally, it is one of the biggest challenges that students face as they try to find the strength of character to push through high school and College.

If motivation is not present in the individual, simple uncomplicated tasks have a nasty habit of becoming huge complicated problems - ones that can end up being avoided for days (and sometimes weeks or months!) So how does this happen?

Motivation is a funny beast. When we have a feeling of "high motivation" we can be virtually unstoppable. Tasks are tackled with relative ease, our energy levels are right up, no problem seems too great, and everything seems to constantly fall into place. The problem is that the opposite is also true. A feeling of "low or no motivation" leads to failure to complete tasks, low energy levels, all problems seem incredibly hard to overcome and everything seems to be going wrong!

Unfortunately, much of the motivation in the world comes in the form of fear - the fear of negative consequences. For example, you will see most students completing their homework (or at least attempting to complete it) for fear of what will happen to them if they don't. They may be embarrassed in class, they may be grounded by their parents, they may fear falling behind everyone else, or they may fear appearing stupid. It could be many things - but it is all fear-based motivation. It's only natural - this type of motivation has been around since the dawn of time.

You see, if there was no negative consequences what would happen to the world? Would everyone still behave themselves in an orderly way? Or would there be total panic and disorder? How would the world run itself if there was no negative motivation? It's actually a scary thought!

Fear of negative consequences (i.e. negative motivation) is important in the world. We need to have rules and social conventions. We need to treat each other with respect. But that doesn't mean you should operate your entire life this way. There is more to life than just constantly doing what everyone wants so that they (and society) will be happy with you. That's not a joyful life experience.

If you want to really find your bliss in life you need to find a way to find the positive reason for why you're doing whatever you're doing (and this doesn't just apply to your schooling - it applies to all areas of life).

True motivation is when you don't act out of fear, but instead you act out of possibilities. You act out of the possibility of what doing the task may bring to your life. The possibility of wealth (there are more forms of wealth than just monetary), the possibility of health, the possibility of love, or the possibility of some form of prosperity. This is the entire foundation for positive motivation - and the real kicker is that it's more powerful than any form of negative motivation could ever be.

The answer to finding motivation is actually simple. Whenever you are doing something and don't feel motivated simply ask yourself "What is the possibility here? What positive outcome is going to occur from this?" If you can't find a simple possibility (like I could learn something new, I could earn some money which I can spend on something important to me, I'm a step closer to something I really want to achieve) then you really aren't searching hard enough. There is a possibility in everything. Good luck.

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Identifying Features Of Top Dallas Counseling Services

By Ladonna Chambers

Everyone experiences confusing and difficult times. These can be due to painful emotions, life transitions or relationship problems among others. During such moments, it is usual to turn to close friends or family members for help. Although you may get tremendous support from these people, there are times when you need extra emotional and psychological support. This can only be provided by a professional counselor. If you live in Dallas, then there are exceptional Dallas counseling professionals you can turn to. Here are a few tips to help you find the best counseling services in Dallas.

There is no denying the fact that there are many counselors in Dallas. While this is good, it also means that a patient need to choose a psychotherapist wisely. If this is not done, then you may land on some unscrupulous fellows masquerading as experts. One feature of authenticity of a counselor or institution is the possession of relevant education qualifications.

In order to get personalized help, you need to identify your main problems. This helps you find a specialist who is able to offer customized solutions to your case. It is however important to note that some counselors and centers are able to handle multiple problems such as family issues, religious issues and career matters among others.

High costs are also cited as an obstacle to seeking professional help when faced with problems. Some people also associate counseling services with the rich. On the contrary, most reliable Dallas counseling experts and centers charge modest fees. These are driven with the desire to help you overcome your challenges and not to make money out of your predicaments.

Another secret to determining the suitability of an individual therapist or even center is to talk to past clients. If they had a positive experience then chances are you will also receive the same. If on the other hand finding a past client is not possible for whatever reason, you can still get information from the internet. This is faster since information access is only at the click of a button.

Evidence of a license from relevant authorities plus proven years of experience are another consideration. If someone operates without a license, this should be a warning sign. Many years of experience of a therapist increases competence and this is your only assurance of excellent service. The good news is there are some Dallas counseling Centers which have been in serving the community for a long time now. These should be among your first choices.

Services are also more accessible because of the many Dallas counseling centers. This also reduces traveling costs increases more hours of contact with the professionals. After all, when one is undergoing difficult times, the last thing they want is long traveling hours. To find a counselor near you, just bear in mind all the above points and you will be okay.

These are some of the top factors to consider before engaging a therapist. They can act as your benchmark to identify a reliable Dallas counseling center or individual who will cater adequately for your needs. Whether you are the one who needs assistance or your loved one, getting the right help promotes the healing process.

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