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A Journey To An Encounter With God

By Leslie Griffith

Many people who were raised in a Christian household, attended Sunday School, and have never killed anybody, think they will go to Heaven when they die. To even begin to have an encounter with God, it is necessary to become baptized, and by baptized it means immersed in water. This is what it means to become "born again."

Living in a Christian household doesn't make anyone a Christian any more than living in a garage makes them a car. So, why is it necessary to go through the ritual of being born again? The Bible says that anyone who believes in Christ will have eternal life. That's the thing. Even demons believe. Satan believes. That is why it is necessary to stand up in front of witnesses and declare one's allegiance to Christ and turn away from sin.

Baptism does more than get you the promise of a seat in Heaven. It also has responsibilities, responsibilities to give up sinful living (smoking, drinking, gambling, etc.) and become obedient to God's ways. When asked if they have ever sinned, so many people claim to good people because they have never committed murder. God expects a lot more than that.

All this righteousness sounds like a pretty tall order, but, according to John 14:15-18, God sent us the Holy Spirit to help and guide us while we wait for the return of Christ. It is this Spirit that fills the born again believers, tinkers with their DNA and changes them on the inside.

After a while, we don't enjoy the same old sins that we used do. We stop laughing at dirty jokes, quit smoking and start to work harder, both at home, at church and in our jobs. We spend more time in Christian fellowship, studying the Bible, praying and leading people to Christ.

Another Christian practice is that of fasting. There are two ways to observe a fast. One is the water fast, in which no food is taken from morning until evening, only water and very dilute fruit juice. It is important to spend time in prayer and reading scripture, otherwise you are just on a diet. The other method of fasting is the 21-day Daniel fast. This involves a very strict vegan regime. No sugar, artificial sweeteners, preservatives, animal products or leavened bread are allowed.

On a Daniel fast, rice cakes, wholemeal rice and wholemeal tortilla wraps are permitted, as is wholemeal pasta. Again, this fasting regime must be accompanied by prayer and Bible-reading in order to feel the full spiritual effects.

Praying, reading the Bible, fasting and tithing are all means of getting an encounter with God. Tithing is the practice of giving 10 percent of all earnings to the church, meaning to God, from whom we ultimately get everything we have or need. Although the first tithe took place in the Old Testament when Mielchizidek collected a tithe from Abraham, it was a covenant thing, and not just an old Testament thing. A covenant is eternal.

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