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How To Build Self Confidence To Approach Women

By Victoria K. Murry

What is self confidence? How do you build and improve your self esteem, The problem of many guys are just having the confidence to walk up to a girl and talk to her, they get their brains frozen once she shows up, most guys can't just stand up and address their peers. Now that is low self esteem but it could be improved over-time through a tried and tested techniques.Many guys are stuck with inferiority complex, I was at first, I was scared of approaching pretty girls, like they would beat me up if I say the wrong things, I tried to change but it only takes them showing up again before I start sinking again, this problem lingered for months and even years before I figured I could improve.

If you think about it, what we call failure is really just feedback and adjustment. You do something and see what results you get from it. If you're happy with them (you succeed), just keep doing what you're doing. If you're not happy (you fail), stop doing what you're doing and try something else. Learn from your mistakes and always do your best.

When you do that, you'll see that you'll be improving very rapidly.If you want to fix something, do it.This is crucial if you want to know how to build self-confidence.See, when you work on achieving something, there will probably be a time when you'll want to blame someone else for your failures.It's very natural and all of us do that sometimes. The truth is that it's always your fault. Even if you're not directly responsible for the failure, it's still your fault.

One more simple little action to take to help you feel good and build confidence. Cut down on the amount of junk foods and processed foods. As well as being nutritionally poor, they can leave you feeling sluggish and tired. Eat the best fresh food you can, it's another way of respecting yourself and remember: Garbage in, garbage out.You deserve to eat much better than garbage. Unleash Your Power - You have the power of choice and the quality of your life will be determined by the choices you make. So unleash your power and choose to be self confident. Create a positive environment around yourself by reading positive affirmations on waking. Watch motivating videos on You Tube and search for positive blogs and websites to gain even more inspiration.

Believe in yourself.Have you noticed how in some countries people tie an elephant to a little stick and put a thin piece of rope around its ankle? Have you ever wondered why that animal doesn't just snap free?Well, it's because it doesn't believe it can.See, when an elephant is small, they put it in shackles and attach a strong chain to its leg. Of course at first, the animal pulls at it, jerks and jumps around to set itself free, but then, after some just gives up.

Be Decisive - Take a decision then resolve to follow through with it. Don't look for the approval or permission of others. Make the decision to do something that you want to do and then take action to get it done. Being decisive is part of being a confident, assured person who knows what they want to do and takes action to get it.Start small at first, for example, set a goal to exercise three times a week, changing to a healthier diet or starting the day in a positive manner and then move to bigger goals as your confidence to make decisions and follow through with them improves.

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