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How Positive Affirmation Can Produce Beneficial Change

By Christopher A. Hernandez

Affirmations are short and powerful statements used to control your thoughts and ultimately create a reality to become your conscious thoughts. According to research, we have between 45,000 to 52,000 thoughts a day which are mostly negative thoughts which accounts to about 300 thought per minute. These thoughts are below our awareness level because they are sub-conscious thoughts and they threaten to take over our conscious level.

Affirmation on the other hand will make those subconscious thoughts conscious because you will be aware of them. And, when you start thinking conscious positive thoughts, you will be more aware which negative thoughts are threatening to take over. This is because we create what we think.This is an interesting phenomenon because if you're not aware of your negative thoughts, it could be sabotaging for you. Ninety percent of what you are thinking about gets carried over the next day's 52,000 thoughts so if you're thinking negative, you are bound to think negative thoughts and will never get you out of your rut. And yet, since affirmation means saying something positively, your statements will assert what you want to be true and change your mind set.

You can take action right now to get the results you consciously desire in any area of your life by applying the following key points to produce effective, measurable results in your daily affirmation practices: Be persistent and be consistent. According to many surveys taken of participants of self-improvement programs, when citing a lack of success in achieving their goals, they also admitted to a lack of consistent practice. This simple key is fundamental to success - considering how many years we spend on developing, refining and polishing our beliefs and assumptions about what we can't do, is it really logical to assume that a reversal of perception is going to occur after 4 or 5 attempts? No; so please, when trying to change a habit or develop more esteem or land the perfect job, give it some time and attention. Research tells us it takes 21 - 28 days to develop a new habit, so give your goals and affirmations a minimum of 21 days before deciding on its effectiveness.

By using positive affirmations, it will target specific subconscious beliefs and replace them with positive and self-nurturing ones. It is a form of brainwashing only you can determine which of these negative beliefs you want to flush out of your system. Affirmations work and if you are determined enough into making positive changes in your life, the likely you are to accept change and let go of your past beliefs.

I am beautiful! I am healthy! I am kind and loving.Thus, it takes the ideas of creative visualization one step further. Affirmations take a picture from your thought to create a statement about this thought in a verbal format. Take some time to affirm what is in your heart. What do you wish for? Choose an affirming statement to focus on and place your attention on it:

If you have heard that positive affirmations can change your life for the better, you are more than likely quite intrigued by the possibilities that exist. You can use the power of the law of attraction to bring more money to yourself. You can use it to help attract love, and you can use it to expand your knowledge of how the universe works to a level you may have never thought imaginable. Here are some tips for putting the law of attraction to use within your own life.

The Power of Intention.Intention is a powerful tool for creating the best life possible for yourself and your loved ones. If you have ever used heartfelt prayer to ask for what you need or to seek peace, then you have used the power of intention. When you combine emotion, intent, and belief, you place yourself in a position to receive all the wonderful things that life has in store for you.Positive Affirmations Combine With Intention To Manifest Change.No matter what you desire, it is important that you frame your affirmations in a completely positive manner, so that you can make your intentions as strong as possible. By doing this, you open yourself to the wealth of the universe. Through the power of intention combined with the affirmations you use, you truly can manifest all kinds of changes in your life.

Waiting The Results In Peace.Remember the statement: "All good things come to those who wait?" This statement is of great importance here. Once you have affirmed and have written your intentions, the action needs to come from you. Think: If I already have what I wish, what would I do? For example: If I am trying to manifest "beautiful" - I need to ask myself: Am I wearing beautiful clothing? Am I honoring my body with exercise and nutrition? If not, I need to take a long look at how I am treating myself. If I wasn't feeling beautiful before, perhaps treating myself better is what I need to heal.

Take a moment today to focus on what you need to heal. Continue to apply the affirmation process. I think you will find it to be a powerful tool. Remember: Affirm, take action and "wait the results in peace." For it is as one of my favorite spiritual councilors, Iyanla Vanzant, says: "You don't get what you ask for, you get what you believe."

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