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How Can Adventure Racing Requirements Ensure Success?

By Rob Sutter

If there's any feeling that can't accurately be described, it has to be competition. You may not even hold a personal grudge against people you're racing against, to name one example, and you simply want to prove that you're the best of the ground. However, you're not going to reach that level of success unless you're physically fit and ready to tackle the challenges ahead. Adventure racing requirements are quite multiple and here is a list of the three which I find to be most vital.

1. The best gear is going to promote the best level of racing. You're going to be operating in one of the tougher activities one can imagine and you do not want to put your own wellbeing at risk. If you were to ask me what the best clothing would be for the job, anything that's comfortable yet able to maneuver around in will be best. In short, you can draw an "x" over anything that may be related to heavy clothing because that will impede your movement more than most other articles of clothing.

2. Technology can come in handy in many fashions but not with certain races. There are several items which will not be allowed in events such as Spartan Race, motorized travel being one such category. In addition, adventure racing requirements are most likely going to take out the option of GPS navigation as well. You should only choose the items which are needed to tackle the task at hand. These devices, which can unfairly shift the contest to your benefit, are most definitely not allowed.

3. If it's a matter of moving with a team, stay a close distance to your partners. Many contests will state that 50 meters is the general rule but this can change depending on the guidelines mandated by other races. More than anything, team efforts are some of the more challenging ones to take on. However, I believe that the idea of certain obstacles only being overcome by the efforts of a team only help to make this movement more rewarding than anything else.

These rules of thumb are only a few that I can associate with adventure racing requirements. They are, in my mind at least, some of the most vital that you can think of. You want to make sure that you keep an eye on what the rules of the race are so that you can compete in them to the utmost degree. Do not think that these are going to impede your progress in any way; if anything, they will only help to push you further and become a better runner.

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